- Torin Clark Assistant Professor, Smead Aerospace Thursday, Sept. 22 | 3:00 P.M. | AERO 111 Abstract: Modern crewed aerospace vehicles operate in challenging environments, leading to complex and often highly-automated vehicle system designs. My
- John Farnsworth Assistant Professor, Smead Aerospace Thursday, Sept. 15 | 3:00 P.M. | AERO 111 Abstract: The safe flight of small unmanned aircraft or drones in gusty environments, the use of aeroelastically sensitive aircraft for communications
- Amy Pritchett Professor & Dept. Head, Aerospace Engineering at Pennsylvania State University Friday, Sept. 9 | 10:40 A.M. | AERO 120 Abstract: Commercial air transport in the western world is arguably the safest system ever – how can that be,
- Letitia Long Former Director, National Geospatial Agency Tuesday, May 3 (Note Date Change) | 4:30 P.M. | Zoom Webinar - Register Now Please join Mark Sirangelo as he welcomes Letitia Long, the first woman to head a major U.S. intelligence agency
- Dr. Joanna Hinks Principal Investigator - Navigation Technology Satellite - 3 Space Vehicles Directorate, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Wednesday, April 20, 2022 | 3:30PM | AERO N250 Abstract: Navigation Technology Satellite – 3 (NTS-3) is
- Dennis Akos Professor, Smead Aerospace Wednesday, April 13 | 3:30 P.M. | Zoom - Register Now Abstract: Android devices sales have total over 1 billion devices every year since 2014 through 2021. That alone, not accounting for prior
- Jade Morton Professor and Director of CCAR, Smead Aerospace Monday, April 11 | 3:30 P.M. | Hybrid: AERO 111 and Zoom - Register Now Abstract: GPS/GNSS has impacted nearly every aspect of our modern society. Yet, it relies on extremely low power
- Kurt Maute Professor and Palmer Engineering Chair, Smead Aerospace Wednesday, April 6 | 3:30 P.M. | Hybrid: AERO 114 and Zoom Webinar Abstract: Topology optimization has emerged as a promising and powerful approach to design engineered materials
- Jeff Thayer Professor - Smead Aerospace, and Director of SWx-TREC Monday, April 4 | 3:30 P.M. | Hybrid: AERO 111 and Zoom - Register Now Abstract: A common phrase in the vernacular of the NASA Heliophysics Science Mission Directorate is to study
- David Darmofal Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT & Smead Aerospace Byram Distinguished Visiting Professor Friday, Apr. 1 | 12:00 P.M. | AERO 114 Abstract: A key consideration in the design of supersonic