Equipment and Digital Collections Assistant Position
More information about the Art and Art History Visual Resources Center.
Outstanding customer service skills, the capacity for attention to detail, and the ability to work independently are required for the position. Advanced knowledge of photography and videography equipment, as well as digital imaging,Ìýis preferable, but we are willing to hire and train individuals who demonstrate enthusiasm to learn about the equipment. Equipment and Digital Collections Assistant positions are not limited to Art and Art History majors, but do provide students working in these and related disciplines a great opportunity to learn about a broad variety of equipment and imaging standards.
Student employees must have work-study awards through Financial Aid. Equipment and Digital Collections Assistants are paid an hourly wage on a biweekly basis (paydays on alternating Fridays). The VRC depends on work-study employees for its operations. Given the importance of a full staff and the difficulty in finding work-study replacements after the beginning of the semester, work-study employees must commit to working a set number of hours for the duration of the semester (through finals week).
The weekly schedule and number of hours per week varies according to individual needs and the needs of maximizing staff coverage in the Equipment Room. We require a schedule with a minimum of sixÌýhours per week, and we prefer at least two hours per shift. Hours must be scheduled Mon.-Fri., between 9:00am. and 5:00pm. We rely on employees to work the number of hours per weekÌýthey commit to, so it is important that they be realistic about the number of hours they can work per week. Absences should occur only due to illness or very unusual (i.e., very rare) and important conflicts. In the event of an absence, employees should notify both the ManagerÌýand the Digital Imaging and Technology Coordinator as far ahead of time as possible (in person, by phone or by e-mail).
- Advanced knowledge of photography, videography, and imaging, or demonstrated enthusiasm to learn about equipment and imaging standards;
- Capacity and willingness to pay very close attention to detail;
- Proactive customer service skills;
- Ability to work independently.
Send a brief letter of interest in the form of an email message to Please include the following information:
- How you learned about this position;
- Why you are interested in this position;
- The amount of your work-study award per semester (applicants must have already received an award at the time of application);
- The number of hours that you would prefer to work per week;
- The days and specific times you are available to work between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm (M-F) for the upcoming semester, if known at the time of application. Be sure to account for time needed to get to the VRC from your class (e.g., if you have a class that ends at 1:45, tell us you are available at 2:00).
Attach a resume to the email. Your resume should include:
- Your employment history with dates of employment and job duties;
- Your educational background and plans, including your GPA (high school if freshman; college if sophomore, junior, or senior), your major (declared or planned), and your projected graduation date;
- Any experience or skills related to the position (such as background in photography);
- The names, titles, and phone numbers of three references, and the nature of your relationship to them.
While we prefer to interview in person, we can interview candidates remotely on Zoom if needed.
Direct questions to
​This content is licensed under aÌý. Visual Resources Center, Department of Art and Art History, ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18.Ìý/artandarthistory/vrc