Chemistry (B.A.) Academic Course Map
Students who pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry (CHEM) at CU Boulder become well-rounded critical thinkers ready to pursue and apply the “central science” in their careers, which span private industry; water districts, crime laboratories; government, atmospheric science, environmental quality and academia.The Department of Chemistry is internationally recognized for its specialized research and education into the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them. The behavior of atoms, molecules, and ions determines the sort of world we live in, our shapes and sizes, and even how we feel on a given day. Chemists who understand these phenomena are well-equipped to tackle problems faced by our modern society.
Chemistry major students are prepared for many different careers after graduation. Ƶ18 50 percent of chemistry majors enter directly into industry or government positions that require scientific expertise, such as chemical, oil, electronics, mining and manufacturing industries, water districts, crime laboratories, biotechnology, health and safety, atmospheric science and environmental quality. Approximately 25 percent of chemistry graduates are attracted by specialized graduate education in chemistry or biochemistry. Graduate work is often in one of the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic or physical chemistry and, increasingly, in interdisciplinary areas such as atmospheric, bio-organic or organo-metallic chemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology and chemical physics for their advanced work. Another 25 percent of a typical graduating class goes on to professional school, pursuing advanced degrees in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, business, engineering and computer science.
Admission Requirements
Students who begin at a Colorado Community College can transfer directly to CU Boulder to finish their degree in any of the programs offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.Please see the CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences’Colorado Community College webpagefor more information detailed information admissionsrequirements for students transferingfrom a Colorado Community College.
Transfer Recommendations
To graduate in a 4-year overall time frame, it is important that students follow the recommended schedule below. Students who wish to continue their education at the community college beyond the number of credits specified below should explore with both community college and CU Boulder staff how their graduation timeline, COF stipend, and financial aid will be affected.
Suggested Four-Year Course Plan for Chemistry
This is a suggested guide of coursework only and is subject to change. Always consult with your academic advisor for graduation planning purposes.Depending on a student’s situation, a different plan might be more applicable.
**Your community college must offer an Associate of Science degree with Designation (DwD) in Chemistryto use this transfer guide and students must be ready for calculus and general chemistry**
Please note that to complete an Associates of Science Degree with Designation (DwD) in Chemistry a student will need to transfer two gtPathways courses back from CU Boulder to their community college after transferring.
Your Community College (first two years)
Fall Semester 1
Course | Course Title | Credits |
ENG 121/1021* | English Composition I (GT-CO1) | 3 |
CHE 111/1111 | General College Chemistry I with Lab (GT-SC1) | 5 |
MAT 201/2410 | Calculus I(GT-MA1) | 5 |
Total Credits | 13 |
Spring Semester 1
Course | Course Title | Credits |
ENG 122/1022 | English Composition II (GT-CO2) | 3 |
CHE 112/1112 | General College Chemistry II with Lab (GT-SC1) | 5 |
MAT 202/2420 | Calculus II(GT-MA1) | 5 |
Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3, GT-AH4) | 3 | |
Total Credits | 16 |
Fall Semester 2
Course | Course Title | Credits |
CHE 211/2111 | Organic Chemistry I with Lab | 5 |
MAT 203/2430 | Calculus III | 4 |
PHY 211/2111 | Physics: Calculus-based I with Lab(GT-SC1) | 5 |
Elective approved for an associate'sdegree | 1 | |
Total Credits | 15 |
Spring Semester 2
Course | Course Title | Credits |
CHE 212/2112 | Organic Chemistry II with Lab | 5 |
PHY 212/2112 | Physics: Calculus-based II with Lab (GT-SC1) | 5 |
Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Sciences Course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, GT-SS3) | 3 | |
Guaranteed Transfer History Course (GT-HI1) | 3 | |
Total Credits | 16 |
Total community college credits: 60
Completion of these four semesters of coursework does NOT fulfill the requirements for the Associateof Science Degree Designation in Chemistry prior to transfer; however, it does guarantee that an admitted student can complete a BA in Chemistry within an additional 60 semester hours at CU Boulder.
CU Boulder (last two years)
Fall Semester 3
Course | Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 4511 | Physical Chemistry 1 | 3 |
CHEM 4581 | Physical Chemistry Lab 1 | 1 |
Guaranteed Transfer Arts & Humanities Course (GT-AH1, GT-AH2, GT-AH3, GT-AH4)** | 3 | |
Guaranteed Transfer Social & Behavioral Sciences Course (GT-SS1, GT-SS2, GT-SS3)** | 3 | |
Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Upper-Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Total Credits | 16 |
Spring Semester 3
Course | Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 4531 | Physical Chemistry 2 | 3 |
CHEM 4591 | Physical Chemistry Lab 2 | 2 |
Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Upper-Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Upper-Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Total Credits | 14 |
Fall Semester 4
Course | Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 4011 | Modern Inorgamic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 4171 | Instrumental Analysis – Lecture and Laboratory 1 | 3 |
Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Upper-Division Elective | 3 | |
Upper-Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Total Credits | 15 |
Spring Semester 4
Course | Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 4181 | Instrumental Analysis – Lecture and Laboratory 2 | 3 |
Upper Division Elective | 3 | |
Upper Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Upper Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Upper-Division Non-Major Elective | 3 | |
Total Credits | 15 |
Total credits at CU Boulder: 60
*For community college courses, the first course number is previous to summer 2022, and the second course number is the new number starting in summer 2022.
**To complete CU Boulder’s General Education requirements and an earn an Associate of Science Degree with Designation in Chemistry, a student has to complete one GT-AH and one GT-SS course within the first 30 hours or 12 calendar months at CU Boulder and then request to “reverse transfer” those courses back to their community college, which will then grant them their AS degree.