Career Development
- Looking for an internship or job? The best place for CU Boulder students in the College of Arts and Sciences to find opportunities is through Handshake.As your free one-stop shop for starting your career journey, Handshake is CU Boulder’s
- Graduation from your Arts and Sciences program may seem far away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about life after CU. It can often take 6-9 months to find a job, so this is a great time to start your search. Here are some tips to
- Whether you want to progress in your job or internship search as an Arts and Sciences student or fill downtime with productive activities, here are some steps you can take over winter break.Upgrade your skillsLearn new things and expand your
- Returning home for the holiday season can raise some career anxiety—especially if you are anticipating the dreaded “What are you going to do with that major?” question. One of the biggest myths still floating around is that your
- Follow up This is perhaps the most important part of attending a career fair! Recruiters have many conversations throughout the fair, so following up is vital to ensure they remember connecting with you. Send an email to the person you spoke with at
- Career fairs provide an excellent opportunity to meet with employers hiring for various positions across multiple industries. You can make a great first impression and set yourself up for success by preparing before the fair. Here are some tips for making the most of the Career and Internship Fair.
- How to rise to the top in a daunting labor pool. You can set yourself apart from the competition as an A&S student when looking for a job or internship. Career Services connects students to tools and resources that enhance the job search
- Are you looking to find a job or internship before the summer? It’s not too late! Join us for the final career fair of the year on April 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom. A&S students from all majors, degree levels and
- Creating a concise resume that effectively shares your skills can grab a hiring manager's attention and display your strengths. Many companies use automated systems to filter resumes when looking for strong candidates. Additionally, hiring managers
- Interviewing is an inevitable part of the job search! Interviews allow candidates to present their best skills, values and qualifications for a position. Many hiring processes are comprised of a few different rounds of interviews—your