Division of Natural Sciences
- The American Mathematical Society recognition supports mid-career female researchers whose achievements demonstrate potential for further contributions to mathematics.
- Invited by the king of Bhutan, CU Boulder PhD student Clare Gallagher completed the 109-mile Snowman Race to bring attention to the realities of climate change.
- With FrontLine Farming, CU Boulder scholars and community colleagues focus on food security, food justice and food liberation.
- How a team of CU Boulder PhD students produced the first chromosome-level reference genome for humpback whales.
- Flower was once thought to repel fleas, a belief long-since debunked.
- CU Boulder Professor Mike Klymkowsky uses AI tools to help students develop critical-thinking skills.
- CU Boulder researchers demonstrate how knowledge gaps hinder conservation efforts.
- In his research on the brain, Daniel Gustavson looks for clues about when cognitive decline begins.
- Evidence from Snowball Earth found in ancient rocks on Colorado’s Pikes Peak—it’s a missing link.
- CU Boulder researchers use a unique, noninvasive method to determine the environmental factors contributing to several symptoms among tropical fish.