Dungeon Master

image of eric dressed as dungeon master

Academic Speed Metal PowerPoint presentations critiquingmedia, technology, and culture

Dungeon Masteris the world's most brutal academic speed metal powerpoint band. Consisting ofEric Barry Drasin,Pete Cornell, andIan Fishman, this project utilizes the B2's audio recording, video recording, greenscreen, and livestreaming capabilities to record augmented reality performances. Dungeon Masterwill be creating content including Academic Speed Metal PowerPoint lectures to immersive content for large scale projection environments. Through satire, critical theory, economics, speed metal music, and PowerPoint lectures, Dungeon Master interrogates the underlying ideology informing our relationships with media,technology, and culture.


Media Studies




Greenscreen, audio recording, video recording, livestreaming


August 22, 2022 - September 2, 2022


Academic Speed Metal, Ideology Bongs, Minivans

Eric Drasin

I am a research-based artist exploring the relationship between art and systems of value. Through emerging blockchain technologies, my current research explores digital or “distributed” processes, objects, and organizations and that problematize and reprogram fundamental assumptions about how value is constructed and disseminated. My work is rooted in media ecology and performance. Using experimental media techniques and custom software systems, my performances and installations have explored how media can transform relationship.

image of eric dressed as dungeon master

Pete Cornell

Musician and audio producer

Ian Fishman

Sketch comedy writer, producer, editor, and voiceover artist based in Minnesota