
A performance immersing the audience in a surrealvirtual environment.

Oracleencircles the audience in a generative projection environment inhabited by digital entities speaking with synthesized voices. In order to hear these softly spoken words, the audience may approach the projection surface at the edges of the installation space, initiating an encounter with each tentative oracular being.

Oracle utilizes various forms of machine learning algorithms for text generation(GPT-2), and speech synthesis( well as image generation(DALL-E2) for oracle design inspiration.

Ƶ18 the Artists

a portrait of paulus

Paulus van Horne (they/them/theirs) is a media researcher and sound artist in their second year of a PhD program in Critical Media Practices at the Ƶ18. They have B.A. in environmental studies and a B.Mus in art & music technology. In their practice-led work, Paulus utilizes game design, vocal synthesis, and digital (“artificial”) intelligence to explore the emergence of human-computer intimacy. In 2017-18, they were selected as a Thomas J. Watson Fellow and spent one year recording the noise of megacities around the world. CU Affiliation: Critical Media Practices PhD Candidate

a portrait of ian

\Ian Hatcher (he/him) is a writer, coder, sound poet, voice actor, and performer whose work explores power and language in the context of digital systems. He is the author of a poetry collection, Prosthesis, and a member of the performance collective Lucky Pierre. Recent/upcoming shows include 7a*11d at the Theatre Center in Toronto and Festival Actoral in Marseille and Montreal. He was a Fulbright Scholar to Norway in 2021-22 and just began a PhD in Intermedia Art, Writing, and Performance (IAWP) at CU Boulder. CU Affiliation: Intermedia Arts and Writing Program PhD Candidate


Critical Media Practices




Greenscreen, audio recording, video recording, livestreaming


October 3, 2022 - October 8, 2022