2024 - A Year in Review

from Biochemistry Chair Jim Goodrich, Ph.D.

Happy New Year Biochemistry community!
2024 was a great year for our Department in many parameters.
A few of the highlights:
We were successful with two faculty searches last year, and are excited to have two new faculty join our Department:
      Assistant Professor Adelita Mendoza
      Teaching Assistant Professor Novella Keeling
Our graduate and undergraduate programs are thriving. For example, our two NIH T32 funded pre-doctoral training programs continue to be very successful and have grown in terms of the number of students involved and funding support the past few years. Moreover, in the fall 2024, we had the largest ever entering class of students majoring in the Biochemistry BA. Ìý
Biochemistry continues to garner strong funding, with a very successful year for research funding (~$10 mil) and gifts received ($357K). As our department continues to grow, we are always looking for new ways to bring in research funds, support our faculty and students with awards and scholarships, and entertain new ways in which we can provide experiential and valuable opportunities outside of the classroom. Many of these opportunities are fostered within our faculty labs and in several of our student-run programs such as S.C.O.P.E. and P2P.
In October we held an event to honor undergraduate students who received scholarships this year and to thank the donors for their support. ÌýIt was a great evening!
Biochemistry launched a new "internship for credit" program and has started connecting with industry via special partnerships, including working with HATCHlabs which fosters early-stage companies who need space to grow. We will continue to build relationships where students can gain hands-on experience outside of the classroom and university.
Biochemistry is investing in building our community, especially with alumni. Please consider joining one or both of our LinkedIn groups and send us updates on where you are and what is going on in your lives - we would like to showcase your successes. Both LinkedIn groups will be cross-linked in the future so you will not miss out on important activities and news!
As valued members of our Biochemistry community, I always welcome direct outreach from you should you have any questions or need additional support.
We’re looking forward to a highly successful 2025 and we look forward to working with you as we continue to build on our success!
Best regards,
Jim Goodrich
Professor and Chair
Department of Biochemistry

Jenny Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building



The Biochemistry Department - At a Glance

2024 Biochemistry Department At a Glance





Since 1986,ÌýBiochemistry at the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18 hasÌýofferedÌýa world-class interdisciplinary research, education, and training environment in a beautiful mountain setting. Currently, the Biochemistry DepartmentÌýhas over 200 researchers, educators and staff including 21 tenure-trackÌýfaculty, 1 research faculty, 3 teaching professors, ~400 students in our BA program, ~75 Ph.D. students, ~42 postdocs and staff scientists, 7 administrative staff, and ~50 undergraduate students doing research in our labs.

The Biochemistry Department is renowned for its research. The faculty include aÌýNobel Laureate, 5Ìýmembers of the National Academy of Sciences, 3 Howard Hughes Investigators, and many other esteemed scientists who have established themselves as research leaders.



2024 Biochemistry Grants + Fundraising Results

In 2024, the biochemistry department continued to perform exceptionally well in proposals issued, grants awarded, and even realized an increase in overall gifts, which were all essential to supporting the ongoing work of our faculty and students. The department ranks among one of the highest performing departments at CU Boulder in this regard.

Our goal in 2025 is to continue our upward trend and increase charitable contributions coming to the department as those are not tied to specific research projects in the ways that federal or even institutional foundation grants are written. This type of support gives the department much more flexibility to provide special awards, increased scholarships and fellowships, and to enrich our students' experiences through activities outside of classroom and lab environments.

If you are interested in impacting our success in 2025 with a charitable contribution - please reach out or simply visit our site to learn more about our priorities!

How to Support CU Boulder Biochemistry















2024 Biochemistry Dept Glance 3
Biochemistry Charitable Funds Raised - Five-Year Comparison

T32 Training Grants - A Look Through the Years

T32 grants, or Institutional Research Training Grants, are an essential part of the offerings of the CU Biochemistry Department to provide a variety of benefits to trainees, including stipends; tuition and fees; health insurance; training-related expenses (research supplies, equipment, books and travel to scientific meetings); childcare costs (in some instances); career development training; and additional coursework.
T32 grants are typically awarded for 2–3 years of full-time graduate studies.
The two programs are generally administered by Eric Rohlinger in partnership with the Biochemistry faculty PIs associated with each grant.
2024 Biochemistry T32 Five Year Comparison


2024 Faculty News

In 2024, we have had a number of prestigious awards given, new faculty expected in early 2025, and the passing of an inspirational and talented faculty member and most importantly, a friend to most, especially those who knew him. We will provide highlights in this report but encourage you to review our website when you are able as it is often being updated with the latest of all that is happening with the faculty in our department.


More ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18 Biochemistry Faculty


2024 Faculty Awards and Honors

In Memoriam - Dr. Jeffrey Cameron

CU Boulder Biochemistry unexpectedly said goodbye to one of our beloved and up and coming Professors, Dr. Jeffrey Cameron. More can be found on our site in the listing below.

2025 Incoming Biochemistry Faculty

The Biochemistry Department is welcoming one new Assistant Professor, Adelita Mendoza, in early January 2025, who will provide a strong addition to our strength in signal transduction/gene signaling. Our other new addition, Novella Keeling, will support our educational efforts as a Teaching Assistant Professor. We wish to welcome them both as they settle into Boulder, Colorado and CU Boulder Biochemistry!


Total Biochemistry Student Enrollment -Ìý
A Five-Year Review

The department continues to hold or exceed undergraduate and graduate student enrollments year after year, and we do not anticipate this changing anytime soon. The consensus among new undergraduate enrollees and continuing students is that a biochemistry degree will allow them to influence life-impacting developments in human health, along with surprising benefits in environmental issues, building materials, and more. When graduate students are surveyed on why they selected CU Boulder Department of Biochemistry, overwhelming response was the quality and caliber of faculty and research - tied, with no surprise, with the lifestyle and location!

The figures to the right represent our total student population each year.




Entering Biochemistry BA Majors - A Multi-Year Comparison


The Department of Biochemistry experienced a fluctuation of new enrollees through the past five years, in part due to the 2020 and 2021 COVID epidemic. Fall 2024 saw a significant uptick of newly enrolled students, in large part due to stronger recruiting by the department on the whole and the guidance of Natalia Johnston, the department's Undergraduate Program Coordinator.Ìý

We see a general upward trend year-over-year and most new enrollees continue on in the department through the course of their degree program.


2024 Biochemistry Student Enrollment Five Years


2024 Biochemistry Entering Students




Department of Biochemistry 2024 Spring Commencement


Department of Biochemistry 2024 Spring Commencement

Department of Biochemistry 2024 Spring Commencement



Spring 2024 Commencement Details

For the first time in 2024, we welcomed a guest speaker to kick off our commencement and offer sage words of advice. This year’s speaker was Dr. Marvin Caruthers, a celebrated faculty member of CU Biochemistry and a visionary global leader in his field, responsible for founding several important biotechnology companies through the years and inspiring revolutionary discoveries in RNA and DNA technologies and methodologies.

2024 Commencement Ceremony - Full Details

2024 Graduating Class By the Numbers

In academic year 2023/2024 the Department of Biochemistry congratulated 8 students receiving a Ph.D. degree, 2 students receiving an M.S., and 63 students receiving BA degrees, with nearly 30% of those receiving Honors.



2024 Undergraduate Student Successes

Undergraduate scholarships are crucial for our department as they allow us to recognize outstanding student achievements and let our students know that they are appreciated. In recent conversations, we found that these scholarships provide a bit of breathing room so students can get involved with extracurricular opportunities and be more social with their classmates. Increased unrestricted donations have allowed for the department to recognize additional, merit-worthy students who may not fit the specific scholarship criteria.


For more information on 2024 scholarship awards, please visit here!

2024 Biochemistry Scholarships - A Beneficial and Impressive Increase!

2024 Biochemistry Scholarship Awards - A Two-Year Comparison
2024 Scholarship Awardees

2024 Scholarship Awards Dinner


2021 Biochemistry Incoming Class



CU Boulder Biochemistry Giving + Engagement

CU Boulder Biochemistry is investing in you – our community – and would like to feature news and other information about our alumni and friends directly on the website! Please visit our newly launched Biochemistry alumni and friends page and join us on LinkedIn via either our JUST LAUNCHED - CU Boulder Biochemistry Alumni & Friends Network for all alumni or P2P Alumni Network serving Ph.D. alumni - or join both networks!

Click here to visit the Alumni and Friends page!

And if you have news you’d like to share or would be willing to be featured in one of our profiles or feel you have fellow alumni who should be featured, reach out toÌýbchmundergrad@colorado.edu.


We hope all of our alumni and friends will continue to be involved and even consider supporting us in a way that is meaningful to you. All levels of support are helpful!Ìý

ClickÌýhere for a few ideas of how to help!