Buff OneCard SurveyHelp us to better serve you by filling out our online short online survey!You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form.Indicates required field For which services or programs do you use your Buff OneCard?ÌýRec CenterÌýLibraryÌýRTD Bus RidesÌýPrintingÌýDining CentersÌýDoor AccessÌýAthletic EventsÌýLaundry Machines in Residence HallsÌýATM/Debit Card with Elevations Credit Union(Check all that apply)Where do you MOST OFTEN use your Campus Cash?- Select -Alferd Packers or any UMC diningDining Centers; including the Grab n Go's & MarketsLaundry Machines in the Residence HallsComputer Labs to printI don't use Campus Cash very oftenWhich of the following methods do you use most often to add money to your Campus Cash account?- Select -In Person at the Card OfficeAt the Ink Spot in the UMCOnline at www.buffonecard.comHave you visited the Campus Card Office recently?ÌýYesÌýNoReason for your most recent visit to the Campus Card Office:- None -Replace a cardFirst CardRTD Bus PassMake a depositCard ProblemPassport PhotoNotary servicesWhen you visited the card office, were you helped in a reasonable amount of time?ÌýYesÌýNoThe staff in was friendly, courteous and helpful.- None -Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeYour issue was resolved to your satisfaction- None -Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree