
  • Shelley Russell standing infront of water
    Shelley Russell has been working as a personal trainer since 1996. Two years ago she founded ZONAFIT to make workouts more simple, convenient, and enjoyable. “Whether you are at work, traveling, or simply want to work out at home, ZONAFIT
  • Chelsea Hackett dressed as a butterfly at a community event
    “Vocal Empowerment is the ability to express yourself the way you want to in any context.” Chelsea Hackett co-founded SPEAK, a non-profit with the mission of supporting young women in using their voices for self and civic advocacy. They have been
  • Sarah Lurie fixing a dress for a bride
    When you ask people what has been the best day of their life, a likely answer is their wedding day. Trying to plan that day is a monumental task. This is why Sarah Lurie created Delilah Wedding & Event Planning, based in Boulder. “
  • Keller Anne Ruble - startup support mentor
    Haven’t seen a close friend or family member in a while and want to remind them you care? Do you look at greeting cards in the grocery store and find that none of them feel genuine? Keller Anne Ruble started PS Post, “a greeting card sending service
  • Scott - startup support faculty member
    In addition to being one of COventure Forwards program mentors, Scott Gwozdz is an instructor at The Ƶ18 and founder of First Person Marketing. He has experience with sales, financial services, marketing, branding, agency
  • Janet
    Janet is one of our marketing experts. She is the Chief Revenue Officer of CampMinder, and former CEO of Umbria, a startup successfully acquired in 2008. On top of all that, she also maintains her consulting practice, the Eden-Harris Group. Her
  • matt hayden
    In 2020, Matt founded The Elevated Colorado Management Services “We are a property management firm specializing in homeowner associations (HOAs) and manage private homes too throughout the Eagle River Valley.” Matt joined COventure Forward for
  • Steve Busch
    ThroughCOventure Forward, our featured mentor of the month,Steve Busch, has worked with hotels, restaurants, insurance agencies, clothing companies, and tech startups. As Principal Consultant atHuman Resources Strategies, LLC, his
  • Heather Browning
    Heather Browning, ofColonial Benefit Group, joinedCOventure Forwardfor help with marketing and business development. The pandemic has been a great time for businesses to explore networking and marketing on social media. This is
  • OZO coffee
    Many of you will already know the OZO Coffee Company, but they are far more than just a local coffee shop. This mission-driven business seeks “to support and connect diverse communities through coffee. Supporting Locally Owned businesses is
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