Presentation Request Form

Please provide the following information. We will respond to your inquiry within twobusiness days. A few items to note:

  • Weneed a minimum of two weeks’ notice for requests. For requests for graduate students and/or postdocs, a minimum of three weeks’ notice is required.
  • We have a limit of one presentation per unique class each semester (multiple sections can each have one presentation).
  • We do not offer presentations on career assessments (CliftonStrengths, etc.).

Career Services staff members can adaptpresentations to meetthe needs of your group. A tailored request will take more notice, typically 3-4 weeks. Please contact our outreach team with any questions or concerns.

Indicates required field
Undergraduate Student Presentation Topic
Please make note of tailored or specific requests to general workshops in the “additional comments” section below.
Graduate Student and Postdocs Presentation Topic
Please make note of tailored or specific requests to general workshops in the “additional comments” section below.
Faculty and Staff Presentation Topic
Please make note of tailored or specific requests to general workshops in the “additional comments” section below.
If your course has multiple sections and you would like us to present on additional dates, please provide those dates and times here.
Length of Presentation
Preferred Presentation Format
Room number or virtual link
Please include alternative date options and context about your group, including any additional key demographic information.