CLAC Course Development Grants

Call forProposals

Culture and Language Across the Curriculum (CLAC)is a national framework designed to promote the use of foreign languages to enhance the study of non-language subjects. The Center for Asian Studies invites CU Boulder faculty who would like to add CLAC techniques to their teaching to apply for CLAC Fellow course development grants.

CLAC Co-Seminar Course DevelopmentGrantswill offer a $1500 stipend for the development of a supplemental one-credit undergraduate co-seminar drawing students and content from an existing disciplinary course in any department. Faculty will be responsible for teaching this co-seminar using primary Asian language sources to enhance the content of the main course. CLAC co-seminars will be listed as ASIA 4001 (Arts & Humanities) or ASIA 4002 (Social Sciences).

Recipients who receive the summer stipend should offer the new course in AY 2025-26. All recipients will receive training and support through the CAS CLAC program and CLAC Consortium members. CLAC courses should utilize primary language and culture sources, including historical or contemporary materials and mass media.

Application Information:

Brief proposals should address the role that Asian language materials could play in supplementing the course, list examples of materials that could be used for CLAC, and outline selected topics from the main course that would lend themselves to CLAC techniques. Please include the existing course syllabus and a 2-3 page CV.

Applications are due to CAS on Monday, March 3, 2025via email Please enter “CLAC Course Development Grant” in the subject line.

CLAC Fellows should offer the new course in AY 2025-2026if possible. Grants can be paid as summer salary or expense reimbursement. If paid as salary, grants will be subject to taxes and withholding. Award recipients will be asked to submit a brief report and syllabus for the new course during the Fall 2025semester. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility for future CAS faculty awards.

For questions about the CLAC Course Development Grant, please contact Hannah Palustre,CLAC Coordinator, at

All awards are contingent upon continued funding from the Department of Education.

Information Sessions:

An in-person information session for faculty members interested in learning more about CLAC was held on November 4, 2024 at The HIVE @ALTEC.

For more information, check out recordings of past virtual info sessions below or send your questions to Hannah Palustre, CLAC Coordinator, at

An information session about proposing a CLAC class was recorded in Spring 2023. You can find a recording of it .

The Spring 2021 CLAC roundtable discussion “Expanding Inclusive Excellence and Intercultural Competency: Content Instruction through a Multicultural and Bilingual Lens” focused on faculty experiences with CLAC and the benefits and opportunities that the program offers.

This event featured brief descriptions by the faculty participants and allow plenty of time for questions and further discussion about what CLAC has to offer, lessons learned, and how to get started.

  • Aun HasanAli, Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, taught Introduction to Islam using Arabic language and cultural touchpoints
  • Rahul Parson, Assistant Professor of Hindi Studies,Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  • Levi Thompson, Assistant Professor of Arabic, taught the Arabic Novel using Arabic materials