Professor John Zhai’s Research Group
The main research areas for ProfessorZhai's group include sustainable building technologies and indoor air quality. Representative projects in each category are briefly outlined.
Sustainable Building Technologies
Breathing Walls
- Creatively proposed and developed innovative wall systems using bio-mimicry principles
- Developed multi-scale design, optimization, and evaluation tools
- Cited by the Science Magazine (July 2013) and covered by multiple media (e.g., NPR) and multiple invited talks by DOE etc

Natural and Hybrid Ventilation Systems
- Quantified energy benefits of using passive building technologies such as Natural/Hybrid Ventilation
- Developed integrated ES and CFD approach for modeling NV/HV
- Identified development directions of new NV/HV models for ASHRAE and DOE
Natural and Hybrid Ventilation Systems
- Quantified energy benefits of using passive building technologies such as Natural/Hybrid Ventilation
- Developed integrated ES and CFD approach for modeling NV/HV
- Identified development directions of new NV/HV models for ASHRAE and DOE

Personalized Air Conditioning Systems
- Proposed and developed next-generation personalized HVAC system with better thermal comfort, IAQ and energy efficiency
- Design approach and evaluation matrix were adopted by industry

Indoor Air Quality
Hospital Operation Room Infection
- Developed unique full-scale hospital operating room (OR) lab facility at CU
- Exposed and identified the failure mechanisms of hospital OR ventilation system that may cause serious surgical site infections (SSI)
- Revised current OR design standards by NIH/ASHARE
- Developed new systems and design tools

Data Center Heat Management
- Developed simplified but accurate server and rack models for “whole-room” airflow and heat transfer analysis
- Adopted as standard models by data center design software and industry

Contaminant Source Identification
- Created an innovative method that can inversely track contaminant sources in built environments with limited sensor inputs
- Formed a new research area – “inverse design of built environments” – well recognized by the field as a leading scientist
- Expanded into aircraft cabin design (e.g., China Commercial Aircraft Corp and Boeing)

COVID Indoor Risks and Mitigation Solutions
- Predicted the COVID-19 indoor risks and effectiveness of various mitigation solutions in typical buildings (e.g., office, retail, school, hotel, etc.)
- Studied the efficacy of social distancing and ventilation.
- Promoted the use of portable air cleaner for spaces with high population.