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NSI Researchers brief Vice Chief of Space Operation

Dr. Greg Furlich and Dr. Angie Crews of NSI had the opportunity to brief General Guetlein, Vice Chief of Space Operations (VSCO), on their launch site characterization and launch detection with weather satellites at the Space Domain Awareness (SDA) Tools, Applications, and Processing (TAP) Lab in Colorado Springs, CO. General Guetlein smiled after the research brief and stated “I love it!”. He was also “ecstactic” with progress of the SDA TAP Lab under the leadership of Major Sean Allen. Dr. Furlich also had the opportunity to brief Lieutenant General Garrant, Commander of  USSF Space Systems Command (SSC), on the same work. Dr. Furlich and Dr Crews’ research has produced an abundance of attention in the SDA TAP Lab and has been a fruitful venue for collaboration and partnership with industry and government entities leading toward funded research.

Prior to briefing General Guetlein, the pair briefed members from Senator Gillibrand and Senator Fischers’ Office, and the Department of the Airforce Senate Liaison.

Dr. Furlich submitted an abstract as primary author along with co-author Dr. Crews and the SDA TAP Lab inaugural Project Apollo Tech Accelerator Cohort members to the 2024 Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS). The abstract focused on their applied research in SDA TAP Lab.