- Professor
- Institute Fellow, CIRES

Ph.D.:Penn State, 1991
Areas of Expertise
Aerosols & Clouds, Instrument Development, Trace Gases & Radicals, Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric/Astrochemistry
Awards and Honors
- 2017: Fellow, American Association for Aerosol Research
- 2001: Kenneth T. Whitby Award, American Association for Aerosol Research
The primary focus of our group's research is to elucidate mechanisms by which volatile organic compounds emitted from biogenic and anthropogenic sources react in the atmosphere to form products that can create submicron-size organic aerosol particles. These reactions are complex and include photochemistry, gas-phase oxidation, and heterogeneous/multiphase reactions. The resulting particles affect global climate, visibility, and human health. We conduct experiments in large-volume environmental chambers under simulated atmospheric conditions and then identify and quantify organic gas and aerosol reaction products using a variety of analytical instruments and methods. This information is used to develop detailed, quantitative chemical reaction mechanisms for predicting organic aerosol formation, which can be used to improve air quality and global climate models.We also conduct laboratory, field, and modeling studies of indoor air chemistry.
- Finewax, Z., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Development and application of a low-cost vaporizer for rapid, quantitative, in situ addition of organic gases and particles to an environmental chamber. Aerosol Science and Technology, 54, 1567–1578.
- Liu, X, Day, D.A., Krechmer, J.E., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2021. Determining activity coefficients of SOA from isothermal evaporation in a laboratory chamber. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 8, 212–217.
- Deming, B.L., Ziemann, P.J., 2021. Measurements of the partitioning of nitric acid and sulfuric acid in aqueous/organic phase-separated systems. Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 1, 93–103.
- Bakker-Arkema, J.G., Ziemann, P.J., 2021. Minimizing errors in measured yields of particle-phase products formed in environmental chamber reactions: Revisiting the yields of b-hydroxynitrates formed from 1-alkene + OH/NOx reactons. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5, 690–702.
- Claflin, M.S., Liu, J., Russell, L.M., Ziemann, P.J., 2021. Comparison of methods of functional group analysis using results from laboratory and field aerosol measurements. Aersosol Science and Technology, 55, 1042–1058.
- Bakker-Arkema, J.G., Ziemann, P.J., 2021. Comprehensive analysis of products and the development of a quantitative mechanism for the OH radical-initiated oxidation of 1-alkenes in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125, 5829–5840.
- Price, D.J., Day, D.A., Pagonis, D., Stark, H., Handschy, A.V., Algrim, L.B., Miller, S.L., de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2021. Sources of gas-phase species in an art museum from comprehensive real-time measurements. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5, 2252–2267.
- DeVault, M.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2021. Gas- and particle-phase products and their mechanisms of formation from the reaction of d-3-carene with NO3 radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125, 10207–10222.
- DeVault, M.P., Ziola, A. C., Ziemann, P.J., 2022. Products and mechanisms of secondary organic aerosol formation from the NO3 radical-initiated oxidation of cyclic and acyclic monoterpenes. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6, 2076–2092.
- Kasparoglu, S., Perkins, R., Ziemann, P.J., DeMott, P.J., Kreidenweis, S.M., Finewax, Z., Deming, B.K., DeVault, M.P.,Petters, M.D., 2022. Experimental determination of the relationship between organic aerosol viscosity and ice nucleation at upper free tropospheric conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036296.
- DeVault, M.P., Ziola, A. C., Ziemann, P.J., 2022. Chemistry of secondary organic aerosol formation from reactions of monoterpenes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, 7719–7736.
- Maben, H.K., Ziemann, P.J., 2023. Kinetics of oligomer-forming reactions involving the major functional groups present in atmospheric secondary organic aerosol particles. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 25, 214–228.
- Ranney, A.P., Longnecker, E.R., Ziola, A.C., Ziemann, P.J., 2023. Measured and modeled secondary organic aerosol products and yields from the reaction of n‑hexadecane + OH/NOx. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7, 2295–3010.
- Liu, J., Russell, L.M., Ruggeri, G., Takahama, S., Claflin, M.S.,Ziemann, P.J., Pye, H.O.T., Murphy, B.N., Xu, L., Ng, N.L., McKinney,K.A., Budisulistiorini, S.H., Bertram, T.H., Nenes. A., Surratt, J.D.,2018. Regional similarities and NOx-related increases in biogenicsecondary organic aerosol in summertime Southeastern U.S. Journal ofGeophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 10620–10636.
- Pagonis, D., Ziemann, P.J, 2018. Chemistry of hydroperoxycarbonyls insecondary organic aerosol, Aerosol Science and Technology, 52,1178–1193.
- Claflin, M.S., Krechmer, J.E., Hu, W., Jimenez, J.-L., Ziemann, P.J.,2018. Functional group composition of secondary organic aerosol formedfrom ozonolysis of a‑pinene under high VOC and autoxidationconditions, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2, 1196–1210.
- Petters, S.S., Kreidenweis, S.M., Grieshop, A. P., Ziemann, P.J.,Petters, M.D., 2019. Temperature‐ and humidity‐dependent phase statesof secondary organic aerosols. Geophysical Research Letters, 46,1005–1013.
- Algrim, L.B., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Effect of the hydroxyl group onyields and composition of organic aerosol formed from OH
radical-initiated reactions of alcohols in the presence of NOx.ACS-Earth and Space Chemistry, 3, 413–423. - Claflin, M.S., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Thermal desorption behavior ofhemiacetal, acetal, ether, and ester oligomers, Aerosol Science andTechnology, 53, 473–484.
- Pagonis, D., Price, D.J., Algrim, L.B., Day, D.A., Handschy, A.V.Stark, H., Miller, S.L., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J.,2019. Time-resolved measurements of indoor chemical emissions,deposition, and reactions in a university art museum. EnvironmentalScience and Technology, 53, 4794–4802.
- Finewax, Z., de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Products andsecondary organic aerosol yields from the OH and NO3 radical-initiatedoxidation of resorcinol. ACS-Earth and Space Chemistry, 3,1248–1259.
- Liu, X., Deming, B., Pagonis,D., Day, D.A., Palm, B.B., Talukdar, R.,Roberts, J.M., Veres, P.R., Krechmer, J.E., Thronton, J.A., de Gouw,J.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2019. Effects of gas-wallinteractions on measurements of semivolatile compounds and small polarmolecules. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 12, 3137–3149.
- Deming, B.L., Pagonis,D., Liu, X., Day, D.A., Talukdar, R., Krechmer,J.E., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J.L, Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Measurements ofdelays of gas-phase compounds in a wide variety of tubing materialsdue to gas–wall interactions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 12,3453–3461.
- Pagonis, D., Algrim, L.B., Price, D.J., Day, D.A., Handschy, A.V.,Stark, H., Miller, S.L., de Gouw, J.A., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J.,2019. Autoxidation of limonene in a university art museum.Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 6, 520–524.
- Liu, X., Day, D.A., Krechmer, J.E., Brown, W., Peng, Z., Ziemann,P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2019. Direct measurements of semi-volatileorganic compound dynamics show near-unity mass accommodationcoefficients for diverse aerosols. Communications Chemistry, 2.98.
- Matsunaga, A., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Branching ratios and rateconstants for decomposition and isomerization of β-hydroxyalkoxyradicals formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of C6–C132-methyl-1-alkenes in the presence of NOx. Journal of PhysicalChemistry A, 123, 7839–7846.
- Price, D.J., Day, D.A., Pagonis, D., Stark, H., Algrim, L.B.,Handschy, A.V., Liu, S., Krechmer, J.E., Miller, S.L., Hunter, J.F.,de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2019. The budgets oforganic carbon composition and oxidation in indoor air. EnvironmentalScience and Technology, 53, 13053–13063.
- Bakker-Arkema, J.G., Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Measurements of kinetics andequilibria for the condensed phase reactions of hydroperoxides withcarbonyls to form peroxyhemiacetals. ACS-Earth and Space Chemistry, 4,467–475.
- Algrim, L.B, Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Effect of the nitrate group onyields and composition of secondary organic aerosol formed fromreactions of alkyl nitrates with OH radicals in the presence of NOx.Aerosol Science and Technology, 54, 1070–1082.
- Algrim, L.B, Pagonis, D., de Gouw, J.A., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J.,2020. Measurements and modeling of the absorptive partitioning ofvolatile organic compounds to painted surfaces. Indoor Air, 30,745–756.
- Deming, B.L., Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Quantification of alkenes on indoorsurfaces and implications for sources and sinks. Indoor Air, 30,914–924.
- Aimanant, S., Ziemann, P.J., 2013. Chemical mechanisms of aging of aerosol formed from the reaction of n-pentadecane with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Aerosol Science and Technology, 47, 979-990.
- Strollo, C.M., Ziemann, P.J., 2013. Products and mechanism of secondary organic aerosol formation from the reaction of 3-methylfuran with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 534-543.
- Yeh, G.K., Ziemann, P.J., 2014. Alkyl nitrate formation from the reactions of C8−C14 n‑alkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx:
- Measured yields with essential corrections for gas−wall partitioning. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 8147-8157.
- Suda, S.R., Petters, M.D., Yeh, G.K., Strollo, C.S., Matsunaga, A., Faulhaber, A., Ziemann, P.J., Prenni, A.J., Carrico, C.M., Sullivan, R.C., Kreidenweis, S.M. 2014. Influence of functional groups on organic aerosol cloud condensation nucleus activity. Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 10182–10190.
- Yeh, G.K., Ziemann, P.J., 2014. Identification and yields of 1,4-hydroxynitrates formed from the reactions of C8−C16 n‑alkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 8797-8806.
- Yeh, G. K., Ziemann, P.J., 2015. Gas-wall partitioning of oxygenated organic compounds: Measurements, structure–activity relationships, and correlation with gas chromatographic retention factor. Aerosol Science and Technology, 49, 726-737.
- Yeh, G.K., Claflin, M.S., Ziemann, P.J., 2015. Products and mechanism of the reaction of 1‑pentadecene with NO3 radicals and the effect of a −ONO2 group on alkoxy radical decomposition. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 10684-10696.
- Strollo, C.M., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Investigation of the formation of benzoyl peroxide, benzoic anhydride, and other potential aerosol products from gas-phase reactions of benzoylperoxy radicals.
- Atmospheric Environment, 130, 202–210.
- Ranney, A.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Microscale spectrophotometric methods for quantification of functional groups in oxidized organic aerosol. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50, 881–892.
- Ranney, A.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Kinetics of acid-catalyzed dehydration of cyclic hemiacetals in aerosol particles in equilibrium with nitric acid vapor. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120, 2561–2568.
- Krechmer, J.E., Pagonis, D., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2016. Quantification of gas-wall partitioning in teflon environmental chambers using rapid bursts of low-volatility oxidized species generated in situ. Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 5757–5765.
- Algrim, L.B., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Effect of the keto group on yields and composition of organic aerosol formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of ketones in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120, 6978–6989.
- Liu, S., Li, R., Wild, R.J., Warneke, C., de Gouw, J.A., Brown, S.S., Miller, S.L., Luongo, J.C., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J., 2016.Contribution of human-related sources to indoor volatile organic compounds in a university classroom. Indoor Air, 925–938.Ranney, A.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2017. Identification and quantification of oxidized organic aerosol compounds using derivatization, liquid chromatography, and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Aerosol Science and Technology, 51, 342–33.
- Liu, S., Thompson, S.L., Stark, H., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2017. Gas-phase carboxylic acids in a university classroom: abundance, variability, and sources. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 5454–5463.
- Krechmer, J.E., Day, D.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2017. Direct measurements of gas/particle partitioning and mass accommodation coefficients in environmental chambers. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 11867–11876.
- Petters, S.S., Pagonis, D., Claflin, M.S., Levin, E.J.T., Petters, M.D., Ziemann, P.J., Kreidenweis, S.M., 2017. Hygroscopicity of organic compounds as a function of carbon chain length and carboxyl, hydroperoxy, and carbonyl functional groups. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 5164–5174.
- Liu, J., Russell, L.M., Lee, A.K.Y., McKinney, K.A., Surratt, J.D., Ziemann, P.J., 2017. Observational evidence for pollution-influenced selective uptake contributing to biogenic secondary organic aerosols in the southeastern U.S. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 8056–8064, doi:10.1002/2017GL074665.
- Pagonis, D., Krechmer, J.E., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J.L, Ziemann, P.J., 2017. Effects of gas–wall partitioning in Teflon tubing and instrumentation on time-resolved measurements of gas-phase organic compounds. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 4687–4696.
- Finewax, Z., de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., 2018. Identification andquantification of 4-nitrocatechol formed from OH and NO3radical-initiated reactions of catechol in air in the presence of NOx:Implications for secondary organic aerosol formation from biomassburning. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 1981–1989.
- Claflin, M.S., Ziemann, P.J., 2018. Identification and quantitation of aerosol products of the reaction of β-pinene with NO3 radicals and implications for gas- and particle-phase reaction mechanisms. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 3640–3652.