Organizational Communication

We are committed to the study of organizational problems that matter. By this, we mean pressing ethical, political, and practical concerns regarding the relation of social and material worlds in an era of neoliberalism. We prioritize communicative explanations of organizing practice in a range of contexts. Topical interests include (but are not limited to) the character of work amid contemporary capitalism; the communicative organization of security, violence, risk, and disaster; communicative, immaterial, and affective labor; globalization and transnational flows of organizing; social movements; financialization; governmentality; alternative modes of organizing; and matters of difference such as dis/ability, queer, and postcolonial relations.

  • Communicative Constitution of Organization (CCO)
  • Organizational Collaboration
  • Nonprofit and Civil Society Sectors
  • Alternative Organizing, Globalization and Transnationalism
  • Identity Related to Work and Organization
  • Interpretive and Critical Methodologies
  • Security, Violence, Risk, and Disaster
  • Relations of Power and Difference: Race/Ethnicity, Neo/Postcoloniality, Gender and Sexuality

For a detailed list of courses with descriptions,Ìý.

  • COMM 5600 Seminar: Organizational Communication—3 credit hours
  • COMM 5610 Organizational Ethnography—3
  • COMM 5620 Readings in Organizational Communication—3
  • COMM 6730 Constitutive Approaches to Organizational Communication—3
  • COMM 6740 Theory and Philosophy of Organizing and Organizations—3
  • COMM 6750 Critical-Cultural Approaches to Organizational Communication—3
  • Nick Burk (PhD, 2017), Assistant Professor, Cal State University, Chico
  • Elizabeth Eger (PhD, 2017), Texas State U. - San Marcos
  • Kate Harris (PhD, 2013), Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
  • Jamie McDonald (PhD, 2013), Assistant Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Sara McClellan (PhD, 2012), Associate Director, WestEd
  • Sarah Blithe (PhD, 2012), Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
  • Amanda Porter (PhD, 2011), Assistant Professor, VU University Amsterdam
  • Julie Williamson (PhD, 2011), Organizational Consultant

Organizational Communication Graduate Faculty

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