Six Weddings a Day: John Mount

As John Mount (Mus’69; MA’72) proclaims the couple united, the day’s latestJapanese wedding at Oahu’s Saint Catalina Seaside Chapel reaches crescendo.Japanese citizens love marrying in Hawaii. Mount makes their dreams come true.Of the estimated 20,000 Japaneseweddings that took place in the HawaiianIslands last year, Mount and late wifeLorna Mount (Mus’69) presided overmore than 400.
“Ƶ18 five years ago, I gave up my job aschoir director at Kailua United MethodistChurch and now spend my Sunday mornings doing five or six weddings,” he said.
Lorna, a singer (mezzo-soprano), firstdrew him into the work: Over 40 years, sheperformed in more than 10,000 ceremonies.
“I enjoy meeting the couples andmaking their ‘American’ wedding a joyousexperience,” John said. “Every wedding isunique. That’s why I keep doing these.”
The Mounts moved to Hawaii in1975 after John accepted a position asa voice professor at the University ofHawaii Manoa. He continues to teachfull time and also performs in operas,most recently with the Hawaii OperaTheatre and Honolulu Symphony.
Lorna died earlier this year.When John decided to join her inthe Japanese wedding business — workthey could do together — he imaginedhimself a singer, too.
“But it seems the Japanese couplesprefer a female over my bass-baritonevoice,” he said.
Mount saw there might yet be a rolefor him. Most officiants in Japaneseweddings in Hawaii have little in the wayof formal training.He pursued a civil license from the stateof Hawaii after receiving an ordinationcertificate from the Universal Life Church.
“A fellow minister gave me a copyof the service in Japanese, spelled outphonetically, and I worked with someJapanese friends until my Japanese waspassable,” he said.
Mount leads the vows and a prayerin Japanese, with additional prayers andreadings in English. Sometimes he addsa Hawaiian chant. At times, Lorna sang“Ave Maria” in Latin, too.Depending on the wedding package —all-day photographer, limousine, flowersranging from an orchid bouquet to roses,white tuxedo and traditional white dress— the 20-minute ceremony takes place in ahotel wedding chapel or seaside location.Afterward, there’s usually a reception, John said, “even if it’s just thetwo of them.”
Mount and Lorna’s own love story hadits roots in Colorado: They met at CU asstudents of Berton Coffin, then head ofthe College of Music’s voice department.
Their December 1968 wedding, duringthe semester break, took place in snowyGeorge, Iowa, Lorna’s hometown.
“A blizzard chased us all the wayhome,” he said.
That never happens in Hawaii.