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All The Way to Just Ƶ18 There

All The Ways Cover

bySandra S. McRae(MEngl'90)
(FutureCycle Press, 98 pages; 2019)

In poems shaped by nature, news stories, and the sine wave of motherhood, Sandra S. McRae shows us the miracles embedded in the everyday. She zooms in on mountain flora, then trains a telescopic eye on the night sky. Her X-ray vision transports us to the many worlds tucked inside a mysterious suitcase, a kitchen pantry, even the internal clockwork of disease, which “burns like a star/ in the universe of the body.” Laced with humor and compassion, McRae’s poetry bears witness and holds power to account. The poet teaches us to listen for “the thundering approach/ of the invisible” on a journey that takes us all the way to just about there.