
  • photo of mars
    Mars may have been home to an ocean and microbial life, according to CU scientists Brian Hynek and Gaetano Di Achille.
  • julie peasley
    Combine artistic creativity and a love of science, add a dollop of inspiration, season with whimsy and a sense of humor and you have Julie Peasley’s recipe for success in crafting a geek gift teaching tool — the Particle Zoo.

  • chemical atom
    Chronic seizures caused by traumatic head injuries may be caused by chemicals released by the brain’s immune system to try to repair the injured site, according to CU-Boulder researchers.

  • stem cell
    Treatment of injured, diseased or aging muscle tissues in humans, including damage wreaked by muscular dystrophy, may reach new heights, thanks to a recent discovery by a CU research team.
  • clicker
    <p>From iPods and Crocs to coffee mugs, it seems everything’s about customizing to your own taste, and junior Jesse Saba has brought this trend to CU classrooms.</p>
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