Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements
The following requirements are effective for students starting the degree in Summer 2020 or later.
Students who started the degree before Summer 2020 should see the curriculum guide for their specific requirement term (term they entered the major).
Table of Contents
Additional Area of Study
Any declarable program of at least 15 hours from any CU Boulder college (approved major, minor, certificate)
Computer Science Coursework
Foundation Courses
All of the following courses are required:
- CSCI 1300 (4) Computer Science 1: Starting Computing
- CSCI 2270 (4) Computer Science 2: Data Structures
- CSCI 2400 (4) Computer Systems
- CSCI 3104 (4) Algorithms
- CSCI 3155 (4) Principles of Programming Languages
- CSCI 3308 (3) Software Development Methods and Tools
Core Courses
Select four of the following (12-15):
- (4) Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction
- (3) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- (3) Design and Analysis of Data Systems
- (3) Introduction to Robotics
- (4) Introduction to CyberSecurity for a Converged World
- (3) Theory of Computation
- (3) Numerical Computation, or APPM 4600 (4) Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing, or APPM 4650 (3) Intermediate Numerical Analysis 1, or MATH 4650 (3) Intermediate Numerical Analysis . Note CS credit can only be earned for ONE of these options.
- (4) Design and Analysis of Operating Systems
- (3) Advanced Data Science
- (3) Network Systems
- (3) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
CSCI Upper Division Electives
Additional courses from the Computer Science Core list or the list below to bring the total number of computer science credit hours to 45 or more and upper division CSCI credit hours to at least 18.
- CSCI 3010 (3) Programming Project Workshop
- CSCI 3022 (3) Introduction to Data Science with Probability and Statistics (can count for probability/statistics requirement OR CS elective credit, but not both)
- CSCI 3090 (3) Introduction to Quantum Computing
- CSCI 3112 (1) Human-Centered Computing Professional Development
- CSCI 3150 (3)Universal Design for Digital Media
- CSCI 3352 (3) Biological Networks
- CSCI 3593/4593 (3) Computer Organization
- CSCI 3702 (3) Cognitive Science
- CSCI 3832 (3) Natural Language Processing
- CSCI 4113 (3) Linux System Administration (also offered as TLEN 5842; only one of these will count)
- CSCI 4114 (3) Practical Algorithmic Complexity
- CSCI 4122 (3) Information Visualization
- CSCI 4133 (3) Fundamentals of Computer Security
- CSCI 4200 (3), Introduction to Wireless Systems
- CSCI 4229 (3) Computer Graphics
- CSCI 4239 (3) Advanced Computer Graphics
- CSCI 4240 (3)Introduction to Blockchain
- CSCI 4253 (3) Datacenter Scale Computing
- CSCI 4302 (3) Advanced Robotics
- CSCI 4314 (3) Dynamic Models in Biology
- CSCI 4413 (3) Computer Security & Ethical Hacking
- CSCI 4444 (3) Algorithms and Data Structures for Analyzing DNA
- CSCI 4446 (3) Chaotic Dynamics
- CSCI 4502 (3) Data Mining
- CSCI 4555 (3) Compiler Construction
- CSCI 4576 (4) High-Performance Scientific Computing
- CSCI 4616 (3)Introduction to Virtual Reality
- CSCI 4622 (3) Machine Learning
- CSCI 4722 (3) Computer Vision
- CSCI 4753 (3) Computer Performance Modeling
- CSCI 4802 (1) Data Science Team Companion Course (can count up to 3 credits)
- CSCI 4809 (3) Computer Animation
- CSCI 4830 (3) Special Topics in Computer Science (up to 9 credit hours total from 4830/4831 combined can count toward CS electives)
- CSCI 4831 (3) Special Topics in Algorithms (up to 9 credit hours total from 4830/4831 combined can count toward CS electives)
- CSCI 4849 (3) Input, Interaction, and Accessibility
- CSCI 4900 (3) Upper Division, Undergraduate Independent Study
- APPM 4120/MATH 4120 (3) Introduction to Operations Research
- APPM 4370 (3) Computational Neuroscience
- APPM 4490 (3) Theory of Machine Learning
- APPM 4660 (3) Intermediate Numerical Analysis 2, or APPM 4610 (3) Numerical Differential Equations
- APPM 4720 (3) Open Topics in Applied Mathematics: Randomized Algorithms, instructor permission required
- APPM 4720 (3) Open Topics in Applied Mathematics: Applied Deep Learning, instructor permission required
- APPM 4720 (3) Open Topics in Applied Mathematics: Data-Driven Modeling, instructor permission required
- ATLS 4120 (3) Mobile Application Development (formerly offered as ATLS 4519 Special Topics: Mobile App Dev; only one of these will count toward the CSEN-BA)
- ATLS 4140 (3) Game Development
- ATLS 4214 (3) Big Data Architecture (formerly offered as CSCI 4830 Special Topics: Big Data or ATLS 4519 Special Topics: Big Data; only one of these will count toward the CSEN-BA)
- ATLS 4320 (3) Mobile Application Development: Advanced Topics (formerly offered as ATLS 4519 Special Topics: Adv Mobile App Development; only one of these will count toward the CSEN-BA)
- ECEN 2350 (4) Digital Logic
- ECEN 4133 (3) Fundamentals of Computer Security
- ECEN 4313 (3) Concurrent Programming
- INFO 3504 (3) Problems in Information Science: Digital Identity
- INFO 4602 (3) Mastery in Information Science: Information Visualization
- INFO 4604 (3) Mastery in Information Science: Applied Machine Learning
- INFO 4609 (3) Mastery in Information Science: User-Centered Design
- INFO 4611 (3) Mastery in Information Science: Ubiquitous Computer Experience Design
- INFO 4747 (3) Defamiliarizing Data: The Ethnography and Design of Making Data Strange (only thru Ed Abroad)
- MATH 4440 (3) Mathematics of Coding and Cryptography
- MCDB 4520 (3) Bioinformatics & Genomics
- MCEN 4155 (3) Mechatronics and Robotics I
Required Coursework from Outside Computer Science
Calculus Sequences
Select one of the following calculus sequences (8-12):
Sequence 1 (preferred)
- MATH 1300 Calculus 1
- MATH 2300 Calculus 2
Sequence 2
- APPM 1350 Calculus 1 for Engineers
- APPM 1360 Calculus 2 for Engineers
Sequence 3
- APPM 1340 Calculus 1 with Algebra, Part A
- APPM 1345 Calculus 1 with Algebra, Part B
- APPM 1360 Calculus 2 for Engineers
Discrete Mathematics
Select one of the following courses (3):
- APPM3170Discrete Applied Mathematics
- CSCI2824Discrete Structures
- ECEN2703 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineers
- MATH 2001 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to course prerequisites as listed in the course catalog. Some courses on this approved list may have prerequisites that are not otherwise required for the computer science major. CSCI 2824 is not approved for MATH courses that require MATH 2001;students may seek instructor approval to take such courses but admission is not guaranteed.
Linear Algebra or Probability/Statistics
Select one of the following courses (3-4):
Linear Algebra
- Matrix Methods and Applications
- Linear Algebra with Computer Science Applications
- Introduction to Linear Algebra for Non-Mathematics Majors
- Introduction to Linear Algebra for Mathematics Majors
- Applied Probability
- APPM 4570Statistical Methods
- Applied Data Analysis
- Introduction to Data Science with Probability and Statistics
- Probability, Statistics and Decision
- Introduction to Probability Theory
- Introduction to Statistics with Computer Applications
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Introduction to Probability Theory
- Applied Probability
- Statistical Methods and Application I
Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to course prerequisites as listed in the course catalog. Some courses on this approved list may have prerequisites that are not otherwise required for the computer science major.
Logic and Ethics
Logic (3)
Select one of the following logic courses:
- Critical Thinking
- Symbolic Logic
Ethics (3)
Select one of the following ethics courses:
- ٳ
- Contemporary Social Problems
- ٳ and Information Technology
- Mastery in Information Science: Ethical and Policy Dimensions of Information and Technology
- Computing, Ethics and Society
Upper Division PHIL Logic or Ethics courses may be substituted by petition.
General Education Curriculum
The gen ed requirements allow students to pursue their passions while also ensuring that they venture into diverse areas of learning. The flexibility of the gen ed requirements enables students to explore areas of particular interest in depth and facilitates the addition of minors or second majors.
The general education curriculum consists of three basic categories of requirements:
- Skills: 6 credit hours of written communication.
- Distribution:12 credit hours of art andhumanities, 12 credit hours of social sciencesand 12 credit hours of natural sciences.
- Diversity:includes a U.S.perspective and a global perspective course. These courses may also count toward the distribution requirement.
Optional CS Senior Capstone
BA students are eligible to participate in the Software Engineering Project or Entrepreneurial Project courses, provided they meet the following criteria.
Senior Capstone Course Options
Software Engineering Project
- CSCI 4308 (4), Software Engineering Project 1 (fall)
- CSCI 4318 (4), Software Engineering Project 2 (spring)
Entrepreneurial Project
- CSCI 4348 (4), Startup Essentials: Entrepreneurial Project1
- CSCI 4358 (4), Entrepreneurial Project2
Either sequence must be taken continuously and may not be taken before the senior year.
Multidisciplinary Project
Students who are dual majors with other ABET accredited programs in the College of Engineering and Applied Science are permitted to complete their requiredCapstoneexperience through those departments. For example: ASEN 4018/4028 or ECEN 4610/4620.
Through partnership with Mechanical Engineering, we offer anyCS student the opportunity to participate in the followingCapstone experience with Mechanical Engineering students.
- CSCI 4368 (4) Multidisciplinary Design Project 1
- CSCI 4378(4) Multidisciplinary Design Project 2
Designing for Defense
- CSCI 5550 (3), Designing for Defense 1
- CSCI 5580 (3), Designing for Defense 2
Senior Thesis
- CSCI4950 (4),Senior Thesis
- CSCI4950 (4),Senior Thesis
- CSCI 3100 (1) Software and Society
Requirements to Participate in any Capstone option:
To participate in either Capstone option, BA students must have completed:
- 35 Comp Sci credits:
- Including all Foundation courses (23-credits):
- CSCI 1300-4 (or equivalent)
- CSCI 2270-4
- CSCI 2400-4, Computer Systems
- CSCI 3308-3, Software Development Methods and Tools
- CSCI 3155-4, Principles of Programming Languages
- CSCI 3104-4, Algorithms
- Including all Foundation courses (23-credits):
- Math Requirements (these do not count towards the 35 Comp Sci credits):
- Calc 1
- Calc 2
- Discrete
- Linear Algebra-ǰ-Probability/Statistics
- Upper-Division WrittenCommunication
Other requirements:
- GPA 3.0 or better in CSCI
- Must have fall and spring semesters remaining in academic plan.
If you meet theabove criteria and want to apply for the upcoming fall, make an appointment with the BA advisor to review your degree audit. If you are not about to start your senior year, but have an interest in Senior Capstonefor the future, use the criteria as guidelines for your upcoming course plans.
Senior Capstoneare controlled enrollment courses. The CS department will give priority to BS students for whom they are a requirement. BA students taking them for elective credit will be enrolled with instructor approval on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis.
Additional Policies and Requirements
Credit Hours and Free Elective Credit
Satisfying all the other course requirements as described above totals a minimum of 116 credit hours, the exact number depending on specific courses selected and/or transfer credit. Students take “free electives” to reach the required minimum 120 total credits. All courses are considered acceptable free electives.
Minimum Grades
Students need to have the following grade point averages:
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.000 (prior to December 2021, this threshold was 2.250) in all courses taken at CU for computer science requirements.
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.000 (prior to December 2021, this threshold was 2.250) in all courses attempted at CU.
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.000 (prior to December 2021, this threshold was 2.250) in all CU courses used to satisfy graduation requirements.
Students need to have the following grades in individual courses:
- A grade of C- or better is required in each Computer Science Foundation course, as well as in each course used to satisfy the Computer Science Core and the Computer Science Capstone.
- A grade of C- or better is needed in all prerequisite courses to take a subsequent course.
- The minimum passing grade for a course that is considered a prerequisite for another required course is C-. If a grade of D+ or lower is received in a course which is prerequisite to another, the student is required to repeat the course until the minimum acceptable course grade has been earned. If a student takes the advanced course, it does not remove the obligation to repeat the prerequisite course, even if the grade earned in the advanced course is a C- or above.
- In general, aside from the above restrictions, any passing grade, i.e., a D- or better, is acceptable to fulfill a degree requirement.
- A student may not enroll more than three times in a course that applies towards degree requirements; furthermore, after the third attempt, a student may not substitute an equivalent course. See thefrom the College of Engineering and Applied Science for more detail.
- The department allows courses counting as free electives to be taken pass/fail. Students must petition the department to take a course pass/fail. The College of Engineering and Applied Science has further restrictions on taking a course Pass/Fail. These restrictions are outlined in the college's.
- The last 45 credit hours toward the degree must be earned on the Boulder campus after admission to the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
- Study abroad courses through a CU Boulder-approved study abroad program are considered resident courses.
- In addition, the courses used to fulfill the Senior Capstone requirement in Computer Science must be taken on the Boulder campus.
Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS)
Students must take care of any MAPSdeficiencies. Please see thefor further information.
Applying for Graduation
The College of Engineering and Applied Science requires that you apply for graduation by going to Buff Portal the semester ahead of the semester you plan to graduate. Check with your undergraduate advisor to see if you have completed the degree requirements.
Graduating in Four Years
Consult the four-year guarantee requirements for information on eligibility. The concept of "adequate progress" as it is used here only refers to maintaining eligibility for the four-year guarantee; it is not a requirement for the major. To maintain adequate progress toward a BA in computer science, students should meet the following requirements:
- Declare the computer science BA major and have taken Calculus 1 andby the end of their second semester.
- Consult with a major advisor to determine adequate progress toward completion of the major and meeting other requirements of the degree.