CS Undergraduate Course Enrollment Policies

While program advisors are available to assist you with academic issues, you are responsible for making certain that you understand and satisfy all requirements for graduation.

Read on for some department-specific rules about registering for your computer science classes.

Adding a Class

Most undergraduate Computer Science classes starting at the level of CSCI 2400 and above are restricted to computer science majors only for the first 3 weeks of registration (or, sometimes 4 weeks, depending on when fall and spring breaks are). After that, major restrictions are lifted unless otherwise noted in theÌý. Check the notes section of a class in your Ìýfor specific dates when these restrictions will be lifted. Given the rapid growth our department has experienced recently, these restrictions are necessary to give our majors first priority for the available seats. Computer science majors should register as soon as possible when their assigned enrollment window opens to be sure they have a seat in classes they need to stay on track for graduation.Ìý

Note: Classes at the CSCI 13XX level and CSCI 2270 do not have these temporary restrictions.

Please see theÌýÌýfor detailed information about course requisites (prerequisites and co-requisites). RequisitesÌýfor CSCI classes are strictly enforced.

Students wanting to use transfer credit to satisfy prerequisites are responsible for having their transcripts sent to the campus admissions office as early as possible to initiate the transfer credit evaluation.Ìý

Students must have a compelling reason for a requisite override request. Requests can be submitted using the Ìýform. Filling out the form is the first step. Please do not contact the instructor for permission to waive prerequisites unless we contact you during petition review requesting the instructor's input. (Instructor permission does not guarantee an override will be approved.)Ìý Requests willÌýbe considered on a space-available basis the week before classes begin.Ìý(Note that you must be logged into your Google account with your CU credentials to complete this form; see theÌý pageÌýfor help.)Ìý

Note: MATH 1081 does notÌýsatisfy the Calculus 1 requirement for the Computer Science BA, BS, minor, or Computer Science class prerequisites.Ìý

Classes that include a recitation or lab component require enrollment in both the lecture and recitation/lab components. If there are open seats in the lecture but you waitlist for a full recitation you will be waitlisted for the class as a whole. It is not possible to be enrolled in one component without the other. Please keep this in mind during registration so you do not end up on a waitlist when there are open seats in another section.Ìý

Students on the waitlist for a class might have access to that class in Canvas; however, that does not equate to being enrolled in the class. Always refer to your course schedule in your for official enrollment status, and remember that being on a waitlist is not the same as being enrolled (nor does it guarantee you will get into the class).

All Computer Science courses at the 5000-level (CSCI 5XXX) are restricted to graduate students only. This is a permanent restriction (unlike the temporary major restrictions for our undergraduate courses) and includes main campus distance sections (sections ending with a "B"). There is also a temporary reserve on the CSCI graduate sections that allows Computer Science graduate students to have first priority during enrollment. That reserve lifts in the second week of August (for fall) and in the second week of December (for spring). Once that lifts, undergraduate students still cannot enroll on their own because of the permanent restriction on these sections (mentioned in the second sentence of this paragraph).Ìý

If you are an undergraduate Computer Science major who would like to take a graduate CSCI or CYBR course, please complete the . (Note that you must be logged into your Google account with your CU credentials to complete this form; see theÌý pageÌýfor help.) Review of these requests will begin in early August (for fall),Ìýin early December (for spring), and in late April (for summer)Ìýon a space-available basis only. Important: Computer Science majors requesting a CSCI graduate course must have a 3.5 GPA or higher in their computer science coursework.Ìý(Non-Computer Science majors, please use the petition form at this link: /cs/students/graduate-students/forms-policies#petition .)


If you are waitlisted for a class, we strongly encourage you have a backup plan in case you do not get a seat in the class. Your academic advisor can help discuss your options.

While we do our best to accommodate waitlisted students, it is safer to assume that you will not get into a waitlisted class and plan accordingly (especially in cases where it would affect your full-time student status if you do not get into a waitlisted class). You are encouraged to enroll in your backup classes ahead of the add deadline, and then drop the backup if you are able to get into the first choice.Ìý

Most Computer Science classes have resequenced waitlists which gives Computer Science majors first priority (seniors, then juniors, etc.), then Computer Science minors (seniors, then juniors, etc.), and then the waitlist is ordered chronologically. If you see your waitlist position change in an unexpected way, this is most likely the reason. This is another reason students should not assume that they will get into waitlisted classes.Ìý

At 11:59 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each semester (the same time that students can no longer add themselves to classes), the waitlistsÌýfor all CU Boulder full-semester classes are frozen. When waitlists freeze, empty seats are no longer filled automatically from the waitlist. Any enrollment from the waitlist after this pointÌýis considered a "Late Add."

Late Adds (even from the waitlist) requireÌýinstructor approval. (The instructor's approval can depend on whether or not you have been attending and keeping up with the coursework.)ÌýLate-adds are subject to available seats and course prerequisites.Ìý

Per Computer Science department policy, students will not be added to CSCI courses after census date (the third Friday of the semester). Ìý

If you see an opening in a section that fits with your schedule (no time conflicts with another course) and would like to request a late-add from the waitlist,Ìýplease email the instructor to request being a "Late Add" from the waitlist.

In your email to the instructor, please include a note about whether or not you have been attending class and keeping up with the work. If you have not been attending and keeping up with the work, please explain in your email how you plan to get caught up.Ìý

If the instructor does approve of your Late Add, please forward that approval to Beth Webb (along with your Student ID number).

Please note: Late Add approval does not guarantee that you will get one of the open spots in the class. If you are not the first person on the waitlist for your section, your approval email will be held until 5 pm on the day it is received. If more than one approval comes in that day for the same course opening, priority will go to the student who is higher on the waitlist. (Other approvals will carry over to the next day, and so on.)

Reminder: students will not be added to CSCI courses after census date (the third Friday of the semester). ÌýÌý

Waitlists across campus are purged after close of business on the third Friday of the semester (also known as census date).This date varies for summer terms; please refer to the Summer Session calendar. Students are not notified when this happens because being on the waitlist is not the same as being enrolled. Purging waitlists does not constitute dropping students from a class (which would require notification). Please see the Registrar’s website regarding waitlists.

Note: Late-adds will not be approved after waitlists are purged. Students who are not enrolled by this date should stop attending the waitlisted class and consider the Course Reservation program (see below). Students who do not get into a waitlisted class should have a backup plan and contact their academic advisor immediately to discuss other options.

Course reservation allows eligible students to enroll in classes for which they were waitlisted (and did not get in) during the previous semester. Please see the Registrar'sÌýCourse ReservationÌýpage for more information.Ìý

Dropping a Class

Students can drop a class via during the first 10 weeks of each semester (drops after the third Wednesday receive a W grade and no refunds).

Students are urged to use caution when dropping a class and to contact their advisor before doing so. Dropping a class can affect full-time student status, financial aid, eligibility for athletics and other extracurriculars, and progress toward degree requirements.

If you do decide to drop a class, please click carefully. There is no "undo" button, and if you drop the wrong class by mistake there is no guarantee you will be able to get your seat back.Ìý

Students can drop a class without penalty until 11:59 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each semester. After that date, students who drop a class will receive a "W" grade on their transcript and will not receive any tuition/fee refund for that class.Ìý

W grades do not factor into your GPA; however, a transcript showing many W grades might raise concerns for future employers and/or on graduate school applications. Contact your advisor if you have questions or concerns.Ìý

Students can drop a class via through the tenth week of each semester. Remember: all classes dropped after the third Wednesday receive a "W" grade and no tuition/fee refund. After 11:59 p.m. on Friday of the tenth week, students must petition the dean of their primary major's college to drop a class (this may be different than the dean of the college that offers the course). The dean's office of each college may have unique requirements, and petitions are not automatically approved.

  • If your primary major is in another college, you should contact their dean's office directlyÌý

Switching Sections of a ClassÌý

Switching or swapping sections of the same class can only be done if there is an open seat in the section you are moving into.

PLEASE NOTE: CSCI lectures that have a lab or recitation are linked together as one enrollment. If you try to switch recitations, it is the same as dropping the lecture and your current recitation, then re-enrolling for the lecture and a new recitation. If you want to be enrolled in the course, make sure the recitation you are switching to has open seats.

Even if you were enrolled in the course before, switching to a recitation or lab that is full will drop you from the class and put you on the waitlist. Please check seat availability carefully; once you drop (or accidentally swap to a full section and want your previous spot back), there is no guarantee that department staff will be able to help you get that seat again. A student from the waitlist might have rolled in to the spot you vacated. Ìý

Students can switch or swap sections of a class via your through the initial add deadline, the second Wednesday of each semester.Ìý

After the add deadline, but before the drop deadline (between the second and third Wednesdays of each semester), students hoping to switch sections of the same course can contact Student Services & Curriculum CoordinatorÌýBeth WebbÌýfor assistance. There must be an open seat in the new section you want. Requests must originate from your "@colorado.edu" email, include your 9-digit student ID number and the relevant class information including the "from" and "to" sections.ÌýStudents should clear any holds on their student account before sending their request.

Special Action Forms are required to switch sections of a class after the W-drop deadline (third Wednesday of each semester). There must be an open seat in the section you want to move into, and instructor approval is required.

After the week-two Wednesday add deadline and the week-three Wednesday drop deadlines, please do not try this move on your own. Email WebbE@colorado.edu who will prepare and submit the Special Action form for CSCI undergraduate courses on your behalf.Ìý


The Department of Computer Science strictly enforces registration deadlines.

Per Computer Science department policy, students will not be added to CSCI courses after census date (the third Friday of the semester).

Students who are not enrolled by this date should stop attending the waitlisted class and consider the Course Reservation program (see above).

Students who do not get into a waitlisted classÌýby the add deadlineÌýshould contact their academic advisorÌýbefore the end of the third weekÌýto discuss other options.

Students have access to add or waitlist for a class until 11:59 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each semester. After this date, students can no longer enroll or add themselves to a waitlist and existing waitlists are "frozen" (meaning that open seats are no longer automatically filled from the waitlist).

Any add after this date is considered a Late Add and requires instructor approval. The instructor's approval can depend on whether or not the student has been attending and keeping up with the coursework. Late Adds are subject to available seats and course prerequisites.

Per Computer Science department policy, students will not be added to CSCI courses after census date (the third Friday of the semester). Ìý

If you see an opening in a section that fits with your schedule (no time conflicts with another course) and would like to request a late-add, please send the following to the instructor. In your email to the instructor, please include:

  • A note about your interest in the course and/or your involvement in the class so far.
  • A note about how you plan to get caught up on the course material and coursework that you have missed.

Please forward that approval to Beth WebbÌý

Requests will be processed in the order in which they are received (on a space available basis). Students should clear any holds on their student account before sending their request.

Reminder: students will not be added to CSCI courses after census date (the third Friday of the semester).Ìý

The drop deadline is 11:59 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each semester. After that date, students can still drop a class via but will receive a W grade for that class on their transcript and will not receive any tuition/fee refund for that class.Ìý

Students can late-drop a class via myCUinfo until the tenth Friday of each semester (with a W grade and no refund). After the tenth week of the semester students must petition the dean of their college to drop a class. Submitting a petition does not guarantee it will be approved, and each college may have different policies. Contact your academic advisor if you have questions about this process.Ìý

Registration is suspended for all continuing students during the summer in order to allow incoming students to register during New Student Welcome. Continuing students can access registration (add/drop) again in mid-August.Ìý

Other Notes

Attending graduation and/or department recognition events does not equate to earning a degree. Work with your academic advisor to make sure you are making progress toward and/or have satisfied all degree requirements.Ìý