P-Card Allocation Form

This form is used to allocate charges to your P-card. Submit one form per charge to your P-card.

Indicates required field
Contact Information
Is a speedtype split needed?
Split 1
Split 2
Split 3
Split 4
Split 5
For each split please provide a speedtype number and $ amount. Contact ebioaccounting@colorado.edu if your purchase involves more than five splits.
Items purchased
Why was this purchase made/how does this purchase benefit the speedtype being charged?
Additional Information
Food Purchased?
Did this purchase involve food?
If 1-10 attendees, list first and last name and type (student, faculty, staff, business guest, etc.) per person in this field. Or, if 11 or more attendees, indicate the total number of people per category in attendance (e.g. 10 students and 5 faculty/staff). If cost is greater than $500, attach official function form with receipt.
Please ensure that your attached itemized receipt is clearly legible prior to submission. Receipt images must be uploaded as a single document.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.