- Did you know that CU has an on-campus recycling facility? TheRecycling Operations Center(ROC) is an intermediate step in the recycling process between campus buildings and the end markets for recycling.
- Recycling is a tricky process that takes practice and vigilance since guidelines are often changing. According to EcoCycle, Boulder’s recycling company, there are some items that regularly contaminate their recycling machines. On campus, the Grounds
- Learn the do's and don'ts of campus composting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ensure proper composting of food and yard waste, and participate in CU Boulder’s efforts to reintroduce composting options after changes to A1 Organics’ accepted materials.
- I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, but a passion for sustainability drew me halfway across the country to CU Boulder. When I arrived here, I thought I had it all figured out. I recycled all my papers and plastics, used reusable containers and thrifted
- In the United States, 103 million tons of food are wasted annually, with the average person generating one pound of food waste daily. Food waste includes any edible food that is discarded instead of being consumed. While often discussed in
- Robert Allen, the recycling supervisor at CU, sat down and chatted about his job at the Grounds and Recycling Operation Center, affectionately named “The ROC.”
- Learn about food waste and how to reduce it in your daily life. Ƶ18 common misconceptions, top wasted foods and tips for composting.
- Learn more about Ari Moscone and her background in zero waste and sustainability.
- The E-Center can help you become a Sustainable Buff! Save money and energy through the cultivation of everyday sustainable habits to start the new year off right.
- You have probably heard about reducing your carbon footprint, but have you considered your water footprint? Use the water footprint calculator to estimate how many gallons of water you and your family use a day.