Alumni Awards
Alumni Awards
The college recognizes alumni achievements with three annual awards: the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards (DEAA), the Recent Alumni Award (RAA), and the Alumni Engagement Medal (AEM). Awards are presented at the Engineering Awards Banquet each spring.
Congratulations to our awardees
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award
Established in 1966, the DEAA honors graduates and friends who have distinguished themselves through outstanding personal qualities, knowledge, and significant contributions to their fields.
2025 Recipients
Greg Bunker
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award
Donald R. Clark
CivEngr’72; MS’79)
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award
Zach Nies
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award
Ed Ward
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award
Recent Alumni Award
Established by the Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Board in 2013, the RAA recognizes one outstanding alumnus/a each year for professional achievements, continued service to the college or university, and admirable personal characteristics within 10 years of graduation from the college.
Alumni Engagement Medal Awards
The AEM was established in 2021 for college academic degree programs and the BOLD Center to recognize highly engaged alumni who impact their areas through volunteerism and/or philanthropy. Each academic degree program and the BOLD Center is able to select one alumnus/a annually who has been significantly engaged during the previous year. Examples of engagement include outstanding volunteerism such as serving in a volunteer role, event and program support, student engagement, department/degree program advising, and/or philanthropic support.
2025 Recipients
Beatriz Zepeda-Almazan
Integrated Design Engineering Recipient
Joe Poshusta
Chemical and Biological Engineering Recipient
Clark Lindsay
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Recipient
Claudia Bouvier
Engineering Management Recipient
Jack Elston
(ElCompEngr’03; MElEngr’05; MAeroEngr’07; PhD’11)
Ann and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Recipient
Teresa Hogan
Computer Science Recipient
Joe Ning
(EnvEngr’22; MS’23)
BOLD Center Recipient
Alice Phinney
Paul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering Recipient
Dennis J Pretti
Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Recipient
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards Banquet 2024 Highlight Video