BOLD Scholars Activity Requirements
BOLD Scholars must either attend 10 BOLD approved or sponsored events. Activities should participate with and contribute to the BOLD Center or larger CU community.
Special Considerations
- If the activity or event is longer than 3 hours, it will count as 2 events towards the 10 required activities, subject to approval. As an example, internship experience completed throughout the academic year will count as 2events. This also applies to research, student society conferences, student society involvement, and other relevant activities.
- BOLD volunteering is counted on an hourly basis. In other words, 1 hour of volunteering is equivalent to 1 event—up to 5 events or 5 hours max. As an example, volunteering for 1 BOLD event for 4 hours, counts for 4 events rather than 2. Volunteering at 1 BOLD event for 6 hours can only be counted as 5 events.
- All events are subject to approval. The events listed below are only a limited set of examples for what counts and which categories they fall under. When submitting to Canvas, please decide which category the activity or event best falls under. The submission will be reviewed and a notification regarding whether or not the activity or event is approved will be provided soon after.
Academic Success
These are types of events or resources that help you:
- Practice and/or employ study habits and skills to demonstrate learning through questioning, analysis, formulation, calculation, and examination.
- Develop relationships and connections with faculty in support of your academic performance, course knowledge and/or mentorship.
- Locate and use campus resources that support your academic growth and skill development.
Event Examples:
- BOLD Community events with an emphasis on academic strategies, tips, topics, study sessionsand other academic related activities
- Special seminars, lectures or TED talks provided by individual departments or programs
- Scheduling and attending tutoring related to your academic course load hosted on campus or that you have arranged privately
- Lunch-and-Learns held by BOLD
Cultural Heritage
These are types of events and resources that help you:
- Explore current and historic events and their implications on equity, inclusion and the current climate.
- Engage in dialogue around diverse perspectives and world views of others.
- Articulate one’s own cultural identity, beliefs and attitudes.
Event Examples:
- BOLD Center events around heritage nights, diversity, equity and inclusion workshops
- Cultural awareness events hosted by organizations on-campus or through BOLD such as Chai Chats, Ignite Social Change Conference, Transforming Gender Conference
Professional Development
These are types of events and resources that help you:
- Locate and use campus resources around professional skill development, career goals, and networking.
- Identify future goals or career pathways around internships, research programs, job opportunities and career fairs.
Event Examples:
- BOLD Center events on topics such as resume building, interviewing skills, and workplace conduct
- Events sponsored by Career Services such as workshops and one-on-one resume critiques
- Internship or research that spans the academic year
- Attendance at Career Fairs
Community Building
These are types of events and resources that help you:
- Connect with peers within the BOLD and CEAS communities.
- Engage in interactive workshops that promote relationship-building and belonging.
- Develop informal and formal relationships with other BOLD Scholars.
Event Examples:
- BOLD Center events involving crafts, social gatherings around holiday-themed activities and other events hosted by BOLD that don’t fit under the other categories
- Celebrations hosted by BOLD
- Social networking events hosted by BOLD
Wellness (Financial and Health)
These are types of events and resources that help you:
- Locate and use campus resources around supporting healthy habits and well-being
- Learn about wellness in ways that contribute to your success, well-being and overall health
- Practice and employ care techniques that proactively promote individual care, coping skills and health
- Identify future financial goals, define the fundamentals of budgets, savings and how interest works.
Event Examples:
- BOLD Center events that help students create a “Wellness Plan”, teachstudents about self-care, food access resources and coping strategies around mental health.
- Events or workshops hosted by Health Promotionǰ Basic Needs Center such as Wellness Wednesdaysǰ Financial Literacy or “How to Tame Your Money”
- Financial Literacy and Money Management Workshops hosted by the First-Gen Scholars program through CISC
- Peer Wellness Coaching through Health Promotion
Inclusive Leadership
These are types of events and resources that help you:
- Develop relationships with peers of diverse backgrounds to achieve shared goals and outcomes.
- Develop skills in public speaking, presenting in front of peers, teams and/or organizations.
- Describe and use culturally responsive strategies for resolving conflicts amongst peers and/or teams.
Event Examples:
- Workshops offered by CISC around topics such as Inclusive Leadership, Implicit Bias, UndocuAlly
- Workshops or conferences around leadership or identities such as the CU Social Justice Summit, Ignite Social Justice and Leadership Conferenceand the Women’s Leadership Symposium
Volunteering for BOLD/CEAS
These are types of events that:
- Give back to the BOLD Center community.
- Involve active participation at events where you might help with food distribution, cleaning of common spaces, moving furniture and managing decorations.
Events to Support:
- CEAS recruitment events
- Engineering Sampler
- Engineer Your Future
- Mocktail Party
- BOLD social gatherings
- Engineering Launch
- BOLD Welcome or Graduation Events
Scholarship Contact
Questions regarding BOLD Scholarship Requirements can be sent