CEAS Community Wellness Values Statement
Adopted December 2019
We here at the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) value one another as human beings first and embrace practices to support the health, wellness, and success of all CEAS community members. We prioritize the well-being of all members of our community — students, faculty, and staff. Community wellness begins with respect, empathy, and inclusion, and we strive to develop well-balanced healthy individuals. We promote supportive conversations and action around mental health and health-seeking practices.
Engineering is a demanding curriculum where trial and error, taking risk, making mistakes, revising, correcting, and persisting is essential to learning. We help our community members find healthy and connected ways to learn from challenges and to productively integrate challenging experiences into their lives.
Recognizing that all students come from diverse backgrounds and follow different paths to get to CU, we strive to adopt academic policies and best practices for flexibility at both the course and program levels to support student well-being. We expect and empower students to follow their own path at CU by taking ownership of their education, believing that personal responsibility is key to healthy living.
As faculty and staff, we strive to model the characteristics that we want to see in our students by being ethical, resilient, and creative educators and technologists, and prioritizing both our own health and well-being and the health and well-being of those around us. We share strategies with our students to grow intellectually, professionally, collaboratively, and personally.
We Value You and We are Here for You.