Ƶ18y Learning Apprenticeship (DLA) Program

Whether helping develop new diagnostic techniques for heart diseaseor detecting the effects of nuclear waste, discovery learning apprentices make the most of their time at CU Boulder by supplementing classroom instruction with real-world engineering research experience.

Undergraduate engineering students in the program earn hourly wages (currently $16/hour) while engaging in research with faculty and graduate students. You’ll work alongside graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty as collaborative partners on original research. We find that students bring a fresh perspective to the research team while also learning from their more experienced partners.

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"This is what a researcher looks like"

Undergraduate students participating in research – no matter the venue – can submit details about themselves to be featured on the college's undegraduate research experience page. Questions and comments can be sent toby email.

Submit your entry


  • Apprenticeship positions are announced inMarch
  • Applications are accepted through mid-Aprilforthe following academic year
  • Students may work up to 300 hours in these positions over the course of the academic year (average of 10 hoursper week over 30 weeks in the academic year)
  • Students will attend several mandatory seminars and submit a project summary in the fall.
  • Final presentations will be shared in the spring
  • Top presenters get to showcasea poster at the annual symposium.
  • Open onlyto current CU Boulder students enrolled in the College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Mustbe in good academic standingin the College of Engineering and Applied Science to apply for a position (for degree-seeking students, cumulative, semesterand major GPAs of at least2.00)
  • Previous DLA and SPUR students are not eligible for DLA positions
  • Be an undergraduate student. If you are a BS/MS or BAM student withundergrad status, you are eligible. Students entering their last year as a BS/MS or BAM student arenoteligible.
  • Submit a cover letter addressing your qualifications for the program, even ifa faculty member recommended you for theposition
  • Attend an introductory meeting in the fall
  • Complete "Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct" and "Reseponsible Conduct of Research" online training modules
  • Work as directed by faculty member and/or graduate student mentor. Make agood-faith effort to work 10 hours per week duringthe spring and fall semester
  • Attend three seminars for the year and bi-monthly cluster meetings with assigned graduate mentor in both the fall and spring semesters
  • Write a 2-3page project summaryoutlining your plansfor work.Due at the end of October.
  • Make a presentation in your cluster in March and participate in the Research Symposium in mid‐April
  • Completesurveys regarding yourexperiences in the program

All students who are in Good Academic Standing in CEASwill be emailed a link with the application.

  1. Choose the positions you're interested in
  2. Fill out the DLA application
  3. Submit a professional cover letter and resume, detailing your qualifications for the research positions

DLA Project for AY 2024-25

  • In your cover letter, respondto any requirements mentioned in the project listing. For instance,if the project indicates a course requirement and/or experience in related fields,include details inyour cover letter.
  • Select a diversity of projects and be sure they are of interest to you. Try not toselect multiple projectsfrom one faculty member or professor. No more than onestudent will work witheach faculty member.
  • Select at least five projects for maximum flexibility when being consideredfor a position. Students may select one or two projectsif no other projects fit theirpreference.
  • Contact the professor offering the projectto learn more and to see if it is a good match. If youask relevantquestions andmake a good impression, the faculty member may ask for you specifically.

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