Any exceptions or waivers of the rules and regulations of the Environmental Engineering Program or the College of Engineering and Applied Science must have prior approval by petition. The petition must be completed and submitted to the Environmental Engineering Program for approval and will then be forwarded to the Dean's Office. Exceptions to the humanities/social sciences requirement must also be approved by the Director of the Herbst Program of Humanities for Engineers. It is the student's responsibility to follow up on the petition's progress. Petition forms may be obtained from the
The following list provides some examples of situations for which a petition is required:
- enrolling in more than 19 credit hours per semester
- enrolling in a course when prerequisites have not been satisfied (requires instructor signature)
- substituting for or waiving a required course
- dropping or adding a course after deadlines
- requesting the pass/fail or no credit (NC) grade option for a course
- when more than half of a semester’s credit hours do not meet degree requirements
- to ensure that courses taken elsewhere will count toward degree requirements (including study abroad courses)
- to request approval of technical electives or humanities and social sciences classes that are not on the approved lists
Follow these guidelines when completing the petition:
- review the rules and policies of the College of Engineering and Applied Science as published in the University of Colorado Catalog and EVEN Degree Guidelines during the year of your admission to the College and the current edition(s) of the appropriate Advising Guide(s) to establish your need to petition and the specific rule or policy you wish to waive.
- consult with the advisor for clarification of Program rules and policies.
- provide complete information in the petition, including the number and title of all courses and pertinent data such as course description and syllabi. Additional pages may be attached if necessary.
If properly completed, the petition process will normally take one to two weeks.