
  • M.S. 2022

As a former water treatment operator, I strive to apply my experience on the frontlines of water treatment to the engineeringand science used to design systems thatprotect publichealth. I have an associate degree in journalism from Bismarck State College and a BS in Environmental Physical Science from Black Hills State University. I am currently working on a master's in environmental engineering with the support provided by the of the North Central Climate Adaptation Center. I started my program in Fall 2020.

I am a memberof the Oglala Lakota tribe in South Dakota. I grew up in Oglala and I belong to the Little Grass Creek "thiyospaye” [pronounced, tee-yo'-shpah-yay, meaningimmediate and extended relativesin the Lakota language] I enjoy learning my language and spendingtime with my relatives. I’m REZ-bound ‘bout once a month (I drive back to the reservation as often as I can). I own a Nikon D5600 DSLR camera, a purple camo hunting crossbow, and a Ford F-150.