What Did I Just Sign Up For?
Dear Faculty Relations: I’m new to my leadership role and it truly is a brave new world. Before I rush headlong into my job, can you tell me how the university understands my responsibilities as an academic leader?—T辱岹پdzܲ
Dear Trepidatious: You sound overwhelmed! And not without reason. Faculty life and administrative life are like different decks on the same ship. Passengers in their cabins and crew at the helm may mix somewhere on board, but they exist in otherwise different worlds.
According to the Professional Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty Members and Roles and Professional Responsibilities of Academic Leaders, or PRR, academic leaders are “senior faculty members who take on extra administrative responsibilities.” What exactly are these “extra administrative responsibilities”?
The PRR distinguishes between leadership and administrative duties. Leadership describes your responsibility for the future and vision of your unit; administration has to do with operational, day-to-day tasks. Plotting a course and steering the ship, if you will.
Leadership is the big picture stuff, like ensuring a positive climate for the folks in your unit; representing your unit in larger college and university bodies; managing personnel processes for both faculty and staff; and developing others.
Administration is the nuts and bolts (the rigging and cleaning?). This is just as important as the leadership matters above. You may be responsible for course schedules, for instance, but also budget, personnel files, compliance, recommendation of leave, and resolution of allegations of unprofessional conduct.
We have two pro tips. First, read the PRR. Part III of the PRR lays out what the university expects of you. Second, increase your knowledge and skills to become an effective leader through the Academic Leaders Institute. Start with the New Leaders Orientation in Augustand continue your professional development by attending other workshops throughout the year and participating in the annual ALI mini-conference. These are places where you can learn about your responsibilities as well as connect with other leaders.
Please contact us with any questions. We wish you smooth sailing!
Written by Burke Hilsabeck, Assistant Director of Faculty Relations, Office of Faculty Affairs, July 2024
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