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Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Italian). Dissertation: 揃etween Fact and Fiction: The Representation of Monsters and Monstrous Births in the Fairy Tales of Gianfrancesco Straparola and Giambattista Basile.� Departmental Honors. 1990-1991 University of Chicago, M. A. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (Italian). Washington University, B. A., magna cum laude. PUBLICATIONS: Books: Fairy-Tale Science: Monstrous Generation in the Fairy Tales of Straparola and Basile. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008. Winner of the University of Colorado抯 Eugene Kayden Book Prize, 2010 Reviewed: Renaissance Quarterly (62.1: 2009), Marvels & Tales (23.2: 2009), Quaderni d扞talianistica (30.2: 2009), Journal of Folklore Research (March 2010), Sixteenth Century Journal (41.2: 2010), Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (March 2011), Renaissance Studies (25.4: 2011), Science Fiction Studies (38.1: 2011), Annali d扞talianistica (2011) Giovan Francesco Straparola抯 The Pleasant Nights. Ed. And Trans. with an Introduction by Suzanne Magnanini. In preparation for The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe Series, Center for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, Toronto. (in progress, approved with revision by outside reader). Articles and Book Chapters: 揟he Italian Literary Fairy Tale.擣airy Tales Framed: Forewards, Afterwards, and Critical Words. Ed. Ruth Bottigheimer. New York: SUNY Press, 2012. 25-40. Chapters Edited, Translated, with an Introduction by Suzanne Magnanini in above anthology: Andrea Calmo. 揕etter to Signora Frondosa.� 47-60. Girolamo Bargagli. 揟ale-Telling in the Dialogo de� giuochi.� 55-60. Girolamo Brusoni/Accademia degli Incogniti. 揟he Life of Giambattista Basile.� 67-69. Bartolomeo Lupardi. 揇edicatory Letter to Basile抯 Lo cunto de li cunti.� 81-83. The Sisters Manfredi and Zanotti. 揕etter to the Readers,� 揇edicatory Letter� to La chiaqlira dla banzola. 85-88. Ferdinando Galiani. 揙n the Neapolitan Dialect� (selection). 89-93. Chapters Translated by Suzanne Magnanini: Giovanni Boccaccio. 揃ook XIV of the Geneaologia degli dei translated by Giusppe Betussi.� Introduction by Suzanne Magnanini and Ruth Bottigheimer. 13-21. Giovan Francesco Straparola. 揕etters to the Reader� from Le piacevoli notti. Introduction by Ruth Bottigheimer. 43-45. 揃etween Straparola and Basile: Three Fairy Tales from Lorenzo Selva抯 Della metamorfosi (1582).� Marvels and Tales (a special issue in honor of Jacques Barchilon) 25.2 (2011): 331-370. Selections from Dei donneschi difetti. Selected, Edited, Translated, with and Introduction by Suzanne Magnanini, With Latin Translations by David Lamari. In Dialogue with the Other Voice in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Literary Contexts for Women抯 Writing. Eds. Julie Campbell and Maria Galli Stampino. The Other Voice in Early Modern Italy: The Toronto Series, 11. Toronto: Iter, Inc., 2011. 143-194. 揟elling Tales Out of School: The Literary Fairy Tale in Italian Academies.� Romanic Review 99.2 (2009): 257-270. 揚ostulated Routes from Naples to Paris: Antonio Bulifon and the Italian Literary Fairy Tale in France.� Marvels and Tales 21.1 (2007): 78-92. 揊oils and Fakes: Manufactured Monster in Giambattista Basile抯 Lo mercante.� Marvels and Tales 19.2 (2005): 167-196. 揂nimal Anxieties: Straparola抯 Il re porco.� The Italian Novella. Ed. Gloria Allaire. New York: Routledge, 2003. 179-199. 揢na selva luminosa: Day Two of Moderata Fonte抯 The Worth of Women.� Journal of Modern Philology 101.2 (November 2003): 278-96. 揋irolamo Parabosco's "L'Hermafrodito: An Irregular Commedia Regolare." Monsters in the Italian Literary Imagination. Ed. Keala Jewell. Detroit: Wayne State Press, 2001. 203-221. 揇al cunto alla chiaqlira: Una traduzione al femminile.� Sulla traduzione letteraria. Ed. Franco Nasi. Ravenna: Longo, 2001. 85-92. 揕i sfiole de na prena: le voglie materne ne Lo cunto de li cunti di Giambattista Basile.� Corpi: storia, metafore, rappresentazioni. Ed. Claudia Pancino. Venice: Marsilio, 2000. 25-40. (Conference Proceedings). 揂n Early Draft of Raffaello Gualterotti's Il polemidoro.� Studi Secenteschi XL (1999): 325-348. 揜ewriting Boccaccio: Antonino Danti's Le osservationi di diverse historie." Ricerche sulle selve rinascimentali. Ed. Paolo Cherchi. Ravenna: Longo, 1999. 101-117. (Seminar Proceedings). 揚lagiarism in Book II of Leonardo Fioravanti抯 Dello specchio della scientia universale.� Sondaggi sulla riscrittura del Cinquecento. Ed. Paolo Cherchi. Ravenna: Longo, 1998. 75-96. (Seminar Proceedings). Translations: Daria Perocco. 揚rose Production in Venice at the Beginning of the Seicento.� Trans. Suzanne Magnanini. Arcangela Tarabotti: A Literary Nun in Baroque Venice. Ed. Elissa Weaver. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2006. 73-87. Articles in Reference Works/Online: 揊airy-Tale Dragons and DIY Monsters in Early Modern Italy.� (HYPERLINK "http://www.wondersandmarvels.com"www.wondersandmarvels.com) December, 2009. 揅ecilia Ferrazzi.� Italian Women Writers Online Database. 2005. ( HYPERLINK http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/IWW/ http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/IWW/) Invited Reviews: Diana Robin. Publishing Women: Salons, The Presses, and the Counter Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Italy. Italian Cutlure (Spring, 2009). Giulia Bigolina. Urania: A Romance. Ed. and trans. Valeria Finucci. Italian Studies 2006.1 (gennaio-giugno): 153-54. Raymond Waddington. Aretino抯 Satyr: Sexuality, Satire, and Self-projection in Sixteenth-Century Literature and Art. Renaissance Quarterly 58.1 (2005): 161-2. Ruth B. Bottigheimer. Fairy Godfather: Straparola, Venice, and the Birth of the Literary Fairy Tale. The Sixteenth Century Journal 35.2 (Summer 2004) 627-29. Mariantonietta Acocella. L抋sino d抩ro nel Rinascimento. Dai volgarizzamenti alle raffigurazioni pittoriche. Renaissance Quarterly 56.2 (2003): 468-69. Ronnie H. Terpening. Lodovico Dolce: Renaissance Man of Letters. Annali d扞talianistica 20 (2001): 499-502. INVITED LECTURES/TALKS: 揈roticism and Sexuality in Fairy Tales in Early Modern French and Italian Tales.� Fairy Tale Films and Talks Series. Norlin Library, University of Colorado. October, 2010. 揑talian Fairy Tales.� Brief talk for the opening of exhibit of rare books 揙nce Upon a Time: Early and Illustrated Fairy Tales.� Norlin Library, Special Collections. University of Colorado. June, 2009. 揊rom Dissertation to Book: Navigating the University Press.� University of Denver, Department of Languages. May 2008. 揙nce Upon a Time in Italy: The Origins of the Italian Literary Fairy Tale.� Dante Alighieri Society, Denver. March 2008. 揝cience Fictions: Monstrosity in the Fairy Tales of Gianfrancesco Straparola (1480-1557) and Giambattista Basile (1575-1532).� Newberry Library Colloquium. Chicago, Illinois. May 2003. 揕e voglie materne ne Lo cunto de li cunti di Giambattista Basile.� Corpi: storia, metafore, rappresentazioni. Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche. University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. January 1999. SCHOLARLY PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS: 揂 Scientific Approach to Teaching Dante.� American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Denver, CO. November, 2011. 揗obility and Magic in Lorenzo Selva抯 Della metamorfosi (1582).� Renaissance Society of America. Montreal. March 2011 揕ove Magic and Female Agency in Straparola抯 Le piacevoli notti.� Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. Montreal. October 2010. 揟ransformation Anxiety: Fairy Tales in Lorenzo Selva抯 Della metamorfosi (1582).� Metamorphoses: An International Colloquium on Narrative and Folklore. University of Utah. October 2008. 揊airy Tales in History and Our Lives.� A Round Table Discussion. Sponsored by the The Humanities of University of Utah and The Utah Humanities Council. Mestizo Coffeehouse, Salt Lake City, UT. October 2008. 揂 Fantastic Failure: Women, The Chivalric Epic, and the Failure of The Literary Fairy Tale in Early Modern Italy.� From Philology to Feminism: New Approaches to Early Modern Italian Studies. University of Chicago. April 2008. 揅onfronting Fairy-Tale Indelicacies and Indecencies: W.G. Waters抯 English Translation of Straparola抯 Le piacevoli notti.� Fairy-Tale Materialities: An International Colloquium. November 2007. 揟ranslating Gender and Staging Class: Eighteenth-Century Adaptations of Basile抯 Lo cunto de li cunti�. American Association of Italian Studies. Colorado Springs. May 2007. 揘ew Contexts for Old Texts: Straparola抯 Le piacevoli notti, Bigolina抯 Giulia Camposampiero, and the Debate on the Worth of Women.� Renaissance Society of America. Miami, Florida. March 2007. 揥onder Tale in the Age of the Marvelous.� The European Fairy Tale at the Crossroads of Learned and Popular Culture Colloquium. University of Colorado. October 2006. 揥eeding Wonders in the Ogre抯 Garden: Fairy Tales and the New Science in Seventeenth-Century Italy.� The Powers of Wonder Colloquium. University of Colorado Center for the Arts and Humanities. March 2006. 揟he French Connection: The Printer Antonio Bulifon and Lo cunto de li cunti抯 Arrival in France.� Annual Meeting of the Stonybrook Seven. Stonybrook, NY. November 2005. 揊ertile Flatulence in Giambattista Basile抯 Lo cunto de li cunti.� PAMLA Annual Meeting. Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA. November 2005. 揑n and Out: The Fairy Tale and Early Modern Italian Literary Academies.� Stonybrook 7 Annual Meeting. Stonybrook, NY. November 2004. 揝cience and the Fairy Tale in Gianfrancesco Straparola抯 Le piacevoli notti (1551-53).� Science, Literature and the Arts, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. SUNY Binghamton. Binghamton, NY. October 2004. 揈arly Modern Movie Stars: Artemisia Gentileschi and Veronica Franco.� Attending to Early Modern Women: Structures and Subjectivities. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. November 2003. 揋iambattista Basile抯 Lo cunto de li cunti: The Birth of a Genre.� American Association for Italian Studies. Georgetown University. Washington, D.C. March 2003. 揤irginia抯 revolt: Femminism and Nationalism in Moderata Fonte抯 Il Merito delle donne.� American Association of Teachers of Italian. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. November 2002. 揢n figliuolo nato porco: Beastly Bodies and Animal Anxieties in Gianfrancesco Straparola抯 Il re porco.� The Body in Early Modern Italy. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2002. 揗onstrous Gender/Monstrous Genre.� Third Annual Comparative Literature Colloquium. University of Denver. Denver, Colorado. April 2002. 揊oils and Fakes: Giambattista Basile抯 Hydra.� Renaissance Society of America. Scottsdale, Arizona. April 2002. 揗i ho pensato di raccontarvi un caso, il quale non � favola�: Straparola抯 tale of the hermaphrodite.� Modern Language Association. New Orleans, Lousiana. December 2001. 揋ender and Genre in Parabosco抯 L扝ermafrodito.�. Modern Language Association. Chicago, Illinois. December 1999. 揗anufactured Monsters in Early Modern Italy: The Case of the Dragon with Seven Cat Heads.� Considered Unsightly: A Transdisciplinary Conference on the Freakish and Monstrous. University of Leeds, United Kingdom. October 1997. 揗onster as Metaphor: Parabosco抯 L扝ermafrodito.� Renaissance Society of America. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia. April 1997. 揕inguistic Perversion: Guido da Montefeltro and Prufrock.� The Seventh Annual Comparative Literature Symposium. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma. March 1992. RELATED SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES: Organized/Chaired Panel for American Society of Italian Studies (AAIS) at the MLA. 揅抏ra una volta: New Directions in Fairy Tale Studies.� Seattle, WA. January, 2012. Organized a Mini-Symposium: 揟he Science of Tales and Tales of Science�. Speakers: Armando Maggi (University of Chicago) and Holly Tucker (Vanderbilt University). University of Colorado. October, 2011. Co-curated Book Exhibit: 揙nce Upon a Time: Early and Illustrated Fairy Tales.� Norlin Library. June-December, 2009. Organized a Symposium: 揟he European Fairy Tale at the Crossroads of Learned and Popular Culture.� University of Colorado, Boulder. October 6-8, 2006. Co-curator of Exhibit of Rare Books. 揟he Printed Page and Early Modern Italy.� Norlin Library, University of Colorado, Boulder. April-May, 2004. Chair and Organizer: 揇own and Out in Renaissance Venice.� Renaissance Society of America. New York, New York. April, 2004. Co-Organizer of Workshop Session. 揟he Personal is Pedagogical.� Attending to Early Modern Women: Structures and Subjectivities. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. November 2003. Chair and Organizer: 揟wo Other Voices: Moderata Fonte and Maddalena Campiglia.� American Association of Teachers of Italian. Toronto, Ontario. November 2002. Chair: 揂 Historico-Cultural Miscellany.� Topos/Chronos: American Comparative Literature Association. Boulder, Colorado. April 2001. Co-curator of Exhibit of Rare Books. 揂rcangela Tarabotti: A Literary Nun in Renaissance Venice.� Special Collections, University of Chicago Regenstein Library. April 14-June 23, 1997. Chair of Panel: Arcangela Tarabotti: A Literary Nun in Renaissance Venice. University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. April 1997. TEACHING: Curriculum Development: FREN/ITAL 1400桭rench and Italian Medieval and Renaissance Women Writers. Approved for Arts and Sciences core curriculum: Gender and Cultural Diversity. ITAL 3160 Readings in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature (Taught in Italian, Fulfills Major/Minor Requirement). ITAL 3030 Storia dell抋rte (Art History). Advanced Conversation and Composition. (Developed and Proposed in Conjunction with Instructor Priscilla Craven; Fulfills Major Requirement). ITAL 4145. L扞nferno di Dante Alighieri. Taught in Italian for Majors and Minors. Approved for Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum: Literature and the Arts. ITAL 4160/ ITAL 4170 Italian Literature Special Topics. Petitioned in Fall 2006 to change to variable credit to accommodate new course offerings. ITAL 4600 Once Upon A Time in Italy. Course on the Italian fairy tale. Approved for Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum: Literature and the Arts. International Engineering Certificate in French and Italian. University of Colorado. Established Certificate with School of Engineering Fall 2005. Through language and culture courses this program prepares engineering students for both internships abroad and working with international teams of engineers. Study Abroad Curriculum Development: ITAL 4147: Visualizing Dante抯 Inferno. Global Seminar (3 weeks; 3 credits) taught in Florence, Italy. Approved for Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum: Literature and the Arts. Other Courses Taught: COMP LIT 5660/ITAL 4200 Survey of Early Modern Monstrosities ITAL 4010 Problems in Translation: Theory and Praxis, (Taught in Italian). HUMN/ITAL 4150 Decameron in the Age of Realism HUMN/ITAL 4140 The Age of Dante: Readings in the Divine Comedy. HUMN/ITAL 4730 Italian Feminisms (Topic: Early Modern Italian Feminisms) ITAL 4200 (Topic: Love/Sex/Power in Renaissance Italy) ITAL 4200 (Topic: Playing by the Rules: Renaissance Guides to Self-Fashioning) ITAL 3160 Readings in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature (Taught in Italian) ITAL 2130 Introduction to Literary Analysis (Taught in Italian) ITAL 101-102-103. First-year Italian Language (University of Chicago) Freshmen Seminars: ARSC 1001 The Student Citizen and the Contemporary Research University Methods of Inquiry/ITAL 1400. An elective in a two-part course offering designed to expose first-year students without a declared major to a variety of fields and methods of study. ENGLISH 1500: The year 1500. Guest lecturer. This course examines major philosophical, scientific, and artistic trends in different cultures in and around the year 1500 and is meant to expose students to scholars from across campus. I lecture on Machiavelli抯 The Prince. Undergraduate Research: Senior Essays. Every Italian major is required to conduct independent research in conjunction with a fourth-year seminar and write a 15-page paper in Italian which is defended before two faculty members. I directed 11 in 2011. Senior Essay Workshop. I have developed a workshop in collaboration with our reference librarian aimed at introducing students to the most helpful databases for their project, showing them how to obtain articles and books using interlibrary loan, and explaining how to evaluate electronic sources. Independent Studies: ITAL 4840 Independent Study: 揥omen Talking Back in Early Modern Venice: Lucrezia Marinella, Moderata Fonte, and Arcangela Tarabotti,� Fall 2001. ITAL 4840 Independent Study: 揥omen抯 Education and Educated Women in Early Modern Italy,� Fall 2001. ITAL 4840 Independent Study: 揚inocchio, Pedagogy, and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Italy.� Fall 2006. ITAL 4840: Independent Study: 揜epresentations of Early Modern Women in Contemporary Literature and Film.� Fall 2006. ITAL 4840: Independent Study: 揜enaissance Ideals of Female Beauty.� Spring 2010. Director of Undergraduate Research Grants: SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fund) Mentor for Rebecca Green who received a $2000 grant for research in Florence, Italy. January-August 2006. SURE Mentor (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program). July-August 2003. Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committees: Sarah Grimsdale. Milton the Man (English, 2012). Kelsea Kenzy. 揟ransgression and Ideology, Scandal and Politics: The Public Lives and Memoirs of Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth0Century British Courtesans� (History, 2011). Rebecca Green. 揑l contesto messo in dubbio: uno sguardo alla rappresentazione dei libri in Pinocchio� (2007). (Director) Kristy Bryant-Berg, 揇ecostruire il mito della superiorit� maschile: un抏splorazione dei femminismi rinascimentali di Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella, ed Arcangela Tarabotti� (2001). (Director) Dissertation Committees: Angela Polidori-Scordo. Symbolic Exchanges: Birth, Death, and the Third Woman. Department of Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, in progress. Lisa Morse. Family Traditions and Performance Practices in the Opera dei Pupi. Department of Theater and Dance, University of Colorado, 2007. Fr閐閞ic Conrod. Baroque Orders of Corruption: Formation, Diffusion, Transformation and Negation of Loyola抯 Spiritual Exercises. Department of Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, 2006. James F. Walker. Figures of Difference: Race, Nation, Gender and African Italian Literature. Department of Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, 2004. Masters Committees: Emiy Shurtz. Stopping the Show: Early Sound Animation, Spectacle, and the Cinema of Attractions. Film Studies/Art History. 2011. Jasmine R. Fry. Experiencing the Spiritual: Viewership and Narrative Painting in the Early Seicento. Department of Art and Art History, University of Colorado, 2007. Related Teaching Activities: Faculty Advisor for Students Pursuing the Individually Structured Major. Spring 2010-present. Facilitated Faculty Teaching Excellence Program (FTEP) Workshop: 揟eaching Tips: A Collaborative Discussion.� March 2010. Served as Reader for Qualitative Research Study for ARSC 1001. Winter 2009. CULearn Workshop. August 2008. Presentation for GPTI Fall Intensive Teaching Workshop: 揥hat would Dante do? Finding Mentors to get you out of the Inferno and into Paradise.� Panel: On the Art of Mentoring Women. University of Colorado. August, 2006. LEAP Workshop: 揥omen, Incivility, and Power: How to Achieve Personal Authority in the Classroom." April 2006. ARTstore Focus Group. Tested and evaluated Image database for Library and Art History Department. Spring 2005. Faculty Teaching Excellence Program Workshops: Using Digital Databases in the Classroom. Fall 2004. Faculty Teaching Excellence Program Workshops: Preparing a Lecture. Fall 2003. NEH Summer Institute: 揂 Literature of Their Own?: Women Writing in Venice Paris London.� Developed syllabi for courses on early modern women writers. July 2001. (See: http://www.albertrabil.com/2001institute.html). GRANTS AND HONORS: Eugene Kayden Book Prize. $4000 to organize symposium 揟he Science of Tales and Tales of Science� and $1000 research fund. May, 2010. Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant for Research in Venice and the Veneto. March 2007. $5850. Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities Special Project Grant. For Symposium 揟he European Fairy Tale at the Crossroads of Learned and Popular Culture.� October 2006. $3000. Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities Travel Grant. 揟he Venetian Origins of the Literary Fairy Tale.� Granted March 2006 for Summer 2006. $2500. University of Colorado Center for the Humanities and the Arts Fellowship to participate as in 2005-2006 seminar 揟he Powers of Wonder.� Granted February 2005. Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities Special Project Grant. For film screening with director Camilla Calamandrei and former POW Lino Campanella 揚risoners in Paradise: Italian POWs as Enemies and Allies During WWII.� October 2005. $1800. NEH Collaborative Research Award. 揋enders, Genres, and Voices in Early Modern Italy, France, and Spain.� With Al Rabil for Straparola Translation. May 2004. $5000. NEH Collaborative Research Award. 揋enders, Genres, and Voices in Early Modern Italy, France, and Spain.� With Al Rabil, Julie Campbell and Maria Galli Stampino for Passi Translation. May 2004. $250. Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellowship. Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois. March-May 2003. $4000. Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities Special Project Grant. For 揜oots and Horizons: Grounding Multi-Ethnic Culture in Italy,� March 2003. $3000. IMPART (Implementation of Multicultural Perspectives and Approached in Research and Teaching) Award. For 揜oots and Horizons: Grounding Multi-Ethnic Culture in Italy,� March 2003. $2874. Italian Cultural Institute, Chicago, Illinois. For 揜oots and Horizons: Grounding Multi-Ethnic Culture in Italy,� March 2003. $600. Junior Faculty Development Award. University of Colorado. Summer 2002. $5000. National Endowment for the Humanities: NEH Summer Institute Grant. 揂 Literature of Their Own?: Women Writing in Venice Paris London.� Chapel Hill, NC. July 2001. $2800. Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities Special Project Grant. For 揗arco Paolini and Thomas Simpson: Telling Stories/Telling Places.� November 2000. $3000. Italian Cultural Institute, Chicago, Illinois. For 揗arco Paolini and Thomas Simpson: Telling Stories/Telling Places.� November 2000. $1000. Dante Alighieri Society, Denver, Colorado. For 揗arco Paolini and Thomas Simpson: Telling Stories/Telling Places.� November 2000. $500. Whiting Dissertation Fellowship. University of Chicago. 1999-2000. Fulbright Scholar, University of Bologna, Italy. 1997-1998. Wayne C. Booth Graduate Student Prize for Excellence in Teaching. University of Chicago. 1997. Consortium on Language Teaching and Learning Project Grant. 揅onversazioni a Chicago� Instructional Video. 1997. Grant for Italian Language and Culture Classes, University of Milan, Gargnano Italy. August 1993. University of Chicago Teaching and Research Fellowship. 1990-1994. Phi Beta Kappa. 1990. SERVICE: To The Profession: Reviewer of Manuscripts: University of Toronto Press, University of Chicago Press, SUNY Press; Marvels and Tales Journal, Editorial Board, Italian Woman Writers Project Online Database, 2002-present ( HYPERLINK http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/IWW/ http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/IWW/). Jury for Zerilli Marim� Prize in Italian Literature, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2012 To the University: Director of Undergraduate Studies. Department of French and Italian. 2005-2007; 2008-2009; 2011-present. Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities (GCAH). 2011-present. Kayden Research Grant Award Committee. 2010-2012. Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies Advisory Board. 2007-2009. Center for Humanities and the Arts Steering Committee, 2007-2009. University Appeals Committee on Academic Rules and Policies. 2005-2008. Departmental Executive Committee. 2003-2006; 2010-present. Departmental Program Review Committee. 2003-2004; 2008-2009. Departmental Library Liaison to Norlin Library. 2002-2004. Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee. 2001-2004. Departmental Lecture Committee. 2000-2004. Liaison to the Italian Cultural Institute, Chicago. 2000-2005. Departmental On Campus Job Search Committees, 2000-2003; 2007; 2008, 2009.     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