Sigma Chi

- Chapter: Beta Mu
- Nickname:Sig or Sigs
- Motto:“In hoc signo vinces” (“Take this sign and go out and conquer”)
- Colors:Blue and old gold
- Flower:White rose
- Founded:June 28, 1855, at Miami University (OH)
- Founded atCU:1914

Sigma Chiwas founded in 1914. Known for its dedication to philanthropic efforts, Sigma Chi has raised $8.4 million forthe Huntsman Cancer Foundation since the summer of 2015. Sigma Chi ranks in the top twofraternities for active members, active chapters and alumni base. Sigma Chibuilds itsvalues of friendship, justice and learning from a foundation of brotherhood and zero tolerance for hazing.
Sigma Chi was founded on June 28, 1855, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, by seven men who recognized that a principle-driven lifestyle should be paramount in an individual’s lifelong quest to achieve progressive development. They believed that the world in which they lived had a great need for ethical leaders whose core principles were based on the possession of remarkable character. The Beta Mu chapter strives to become the preeminent leadership and character development for young men on CU’s campus.