Add/Drop Procedures
As of fall 2013, the following add/drop policies will be in effect;
Adds – Students can add through the end of a semester with instructor’s approval (no dean’s approval needed). GSLL staff can add a student with instructor’s permission (written, email or verbal). Student will need to come to department office to add (with buff one card). Note: staff will need to verify that there is space in the classroom before adding student. Once grade sheets have been produced (usually the Tuesday night before the last day of classes), the instructor and dean’s signature will be required on a Change of Record form for any add.
Drops – There will be a 10-week deadline (for all schools and colleges) for students to drop courses. Students should have access to drop (through the 10-week deadline) through MyCUInfo. Students dropping after non-penalty deadline (about 2 ½ weeks into the semester) will receive a “W” gradeand they will not receive a tuition refund.