Graduate Student News
PhD Candidates
Robin Cadow
- Received the Grace van Sweringen Baur Dissertation Fellowship to conduct dissertation research in Germany (2015)
- Conducting dissertation research at the Georg August University in Goettingen (2015-2016)
- Attended the DAAD conference “Methodik und Didaktik des Unterrichts in den USA,” Berkeley, CA, Oct. 2014.
Ross Etherton
- Received a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) long-term Research Grant for Doctoral Candidates. Ross is conducting dissertation research as a Visiting Junior Fellow at the IKKM (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie) at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.
- Co-organized the January 2014 MLA panel “War Media and the Militarization of Experience.”
- Curated the exhibit Ernst Jünger and Albert Renger-Patzsch: A New Objectivity, Special Collections, Norlin Library, University of Colodaro, fall 2013. Click here to see a video made about Ross' exhibit:
- Received the CU “Best Should Teach” Silver Award (2013), the Grace van Sweringen Baur Scholarship (2013), the CU Max Kade Fellowship (2013-2014), the CU Graduate Part-Time Instructor Teaching Award (2012), two George Scherer Travel Grants (2013), and the Grace van Sweringen Baur Award (2013-2014).
- Served as GSLL’s Lead TA in 2013-2014 and as departmental liaison to the Anderson Language Technology Center.
Emily Frazier-Rath
- Presented the paper “Von MigrantInnen, für Alle: Rethinking Popfeminismus and Race” at the Women in German conference, Shawnee on Delaware, Pennsylvania, Oct. 2014.
- Received a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) German Studies Research Grant for research travel related to her project “Muslim and Feminist: Feminisms on the Margins and Re-Thinking Muslim Women’s Agency in Contemporary German Culture.”
- Received the Grace van Sweringen Baur Dissertation Fellowship to conduct research in Germany (2014).
- Serves as departmental Lead TA for German literature and culture courses (2014-2015).
- Received the CU Max Kade Fellowship (2013-2014) and two George Scherer Travel Grants (2013 and 2014).
- Served as GSLL’s liaison to the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence (2013-2014) and as departmental representative to CU’s United Government of Graduate Students (2013-2014).
- Has studied Turkish through CU’s innovative Directed Independent Language Study Program.
Sayalee Karkare
- Received the CU Max Kade Fellowship (2014-2015) and the Grace van Sweringen Baur Award (2014).
Adi Nester
- Received the Center for Humanities and the Arts Graduate Scholar Fellowship (2014-2015).
- Received the George Scherer Travel Scholarship to conduct research in Los Angeles (2014) and the Grace van Sweringen Baur Award (2014).
Maggie Rosenau
- Conducted research in São Paulo and was invited to put together an exhibit proposal on Concrete Poetry for a gallery that specializes in post war art, summer 2016.
- Wrote an essay on Dieter Roth's magnum opus, MUNDUNCULUM. The essay is presented as the feature article in The Dieter Roth Times, an art catalogue for an exhibit at this year's Art Basel in Switzerland. The introduction Maggie wrote is on page 5, and the essay is on pages 18-22.
- Curated the exhibit The Book’s Undoing: Dieter Roth’s Artist’s Books, Special Collections, Norlin Library, University of Colorado, spring 2015.
- Served as intern at the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art, summer 2014.
- Conducted research at the Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry, Miami, Florida, fall 2014.
- Is enrolled in the CU Graduate Certificate Program in Museum Studies.
- Has received two George Scherer Travel Grants (2013 and 2014).
Franziska Schweiger
- Co-edited a special issue of Colloquia Germanica titled "Material Worlds: Novelistic Matters of the 19th Century", which arose from the panel Series "Material Worlds: Approaches to the German Novel" which she co-organised with Arne Hoecker for the GSA 2015.
- Presented the paper, “A New Form Of Narration: Materiality in Adalbert Stifter’s Nachsommer” (Johns Hopkins University: Biannual Graduate Student Conference “Realism Bites 8th, November 2015).
- Presented the paper, “Networking – Materiality in Adalbert Stifters Nachsommer” (Washington D.C: GSA 2015).
- Presented the paper, “The Decline of a Genre: Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks” Yale University: Graduate Student Conference Versuche über den Roman: Life and Literature after Lukács, April 2015).
- Received the CU Max Kade fellowship (2015-2016), the GSLL Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award (Spring 2016), the“Best Should Teach” Silver Award (2015), twoGeorge Scherer Travel Grants (2015).
- Served as GSLL's Lead TA in 2015-2016.
- Received the Grace van Sweringen Baur Dissertation Fellowship to conduct dissertation research in New York City (2014).
- Presented the paper “‘Das Werkzeug meiner Kunst [...] den Hammer, meinen Hammer....’: Rilkes Neue Gedichte - A Poetic Sculpture” at the German Studies Association conference, Denver, Colorado, October 2013.
- Presented the paper “‘Und so musste man auch die Dinge von sich fortdrängen’: The Significance of Artistic Perception in Rainer Maria Rilke’s Ding Gedichten” at the Cornell Graduate Student Conference, spring 2013.
- Received a George Scherer Travel Grant (2013).
MA Candidates
Sean Forrester
- Received the CU Max Kade Fellowship for study abroad at the University of Regensburg (2014-2015).
Recent MA Students
Jackie Deal – MA, Fall 2013
- Assisted with the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art’s fall 2013 exhibit on Austrian poet and photographer Heimrad Bäcker. Jackie worked with Prof. Patrick Greaney on a translation of Martin Hochleitner’s “Heimrad Bäcker, A Portrait” for the exhibit catalog Landscape M.
- Co-translated Bäcker’s “Dokumentarische Dichtung” with Patrick Greaney for a forthcoming publication.
- Received the CU Max Kade Fellowship (2012-2013).
Robert Bloom – MA, Spring 2014
- Received a George Scherer Travel Grant and grants from the CU Center for Western Civilization and the CU Jewish Studies Program to attend the “Jerusalem Ulpan” language program at the Roth International School at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
- Served as the graduate student reviewer for the CU Department of Economics during their 2012-2013 program review.
Erin Burr-Adair – MA, Spring 2014
- Erin is currently a German teacher at Ft. Collins High School.
Marcus Hohe – MA, Spring 2016
- Is participating in CU’s graduate exchange program at the University of Göttingen (2014-2015).
- Received the CU Max Kade Fellowship (2013-2014).
Melissa McCormick - MA, Spring 2014
- Studied Turkish through CU’s innovative Directed Independent Language Study Program.