GSLL Policy Statement on Reappointment and Promotion of Teaching Professors

May 8, 2023

I. Introduction

GSLL explains by means of this policy statement the procedures and standards that it will use in evaluating teaching faculty/instructors for reappointment and promotion.

Our process will comply with policies of the Board of Regents, the University of Colorado Administrative Policy Statement entitled, “Titles, Roles, Appointment, Evaluation and Promotion of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Teaching and Librarian Positions” as well as the College of Arts and Sciences policy “Reappointment and Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty.” Also note the College of Arts and Sciences process, as well as the GSLL timelines.

II. Criteria for Promotion

Please referenceA&S Reappointment and Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Faculty for timelines and definition of terms for promotion for instructor levels. See also additional documents at theA&S site:

Note that there is no expectation that one must go up for promotion. If one goes up for promotion and is not promoted, it does not impact the current position, and one can go up for promotion again.

As excerpted from that policy:

  1. The criteria for promotion from teaching assistant professor or instructor to teaching associate professor or senior […]. Teaching “excellence” typically carries the expectation that the individual has made significant contributions to pedagogy, curriculum,and student learning in the classroom and for the primary unit.
  2. The criteria for promotion from teaching associate professor or senior instructor to teaching professor or principal instructor [,,,] should include criteria for a record of distinction. A “record of distinction” carries the expectation that the individual has made a major impact in the disciplinary unit (e.g., on pedagogy and curriculum) and its students, typically one that extends to considerable impact on the campus generally and a role in national or international discussions related to the individual’s focus of teaching or related to curriculum and/or pedagogy.Units can interpret the mix of “campus” and “beyond campus” contributions in ways that reflect the nature of the unit or discipline and the work the candidate has been asked to perform.

In GSLL, the following criteria define performance in teaching and service for teaching professors:

Promotion to…Teaching (Excellent required for promotion)Service (Meritorious required for promotion)
Senior Instructor (Teaching Associate Professor)

Excellent: demonstrates competence in teaching as measured by multiple measures of teaching (See measures inA&S Reappointment and Promotion of Teaching/Clinical Faculty and Quality Teaching Initiative)


engaged in ongoing efforts to improve teaching

Meritorious: demonstrates service impact within GSLL according to terms of the contract and, if relevant, the MOU

Examples of service impact within the unit include but are not limited to unit and program committee work, student activities, clubs, events, recruitment, placement and outcomes assessments, TA training, as well as program head or other administrative duties.

Principal Instructor (Full Teaching Professor)

Excellent: demonstrates significant impact beyond GSLL (college, campus, regionally or nationally) for example: via attendance at or presentations at conferences, publications on pedagogy or based on other research and scholarship, hosting workshops or trainings, creating pedagogical materials distributed beyond the unit, participating in public scholarship and public education, outreach and recruitment activities, engaging in efforts to revise curriculum to respond to most recent research on pedagogy; orotherwise participating in national and international conversations on pedagogy.

See also additional documents at theA&S site.

Meritorious: demonstrates significant service impact both within GSLL and beyond (college, university, regional, national, community, etc) (See additional examples inA&S Reappointment and Promotion of Non Tenure-Track Faculty)

Examples of service beyond the unit include but are not limited to activities with regional, national, or international discipline-specific organizations, committee work at the college or university level.


Internally inconsistent ballots (for example, a ballot that votes for reappointment but votes below excellent in teaching), will be discarded as invalid.

III. Pandemic considerations

In support of faculty whose professional lives were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic during the period of consideration, our unit adopts the relevant guidance suggested by the Office of Faculty Affairs document, “Campus Actions to Support Our Faculty During the Pandemic: Guidelines for Faculty and Academic Leaders.”

Considerations for Teaching Faculty Preparing Dossiers

  • Faculty may include a “pandemic context/impact statement” with their dossier “to help reviewers understand how the COVID-19 pandemic may have affected the candidate’s work, from the outset of the spring 2020 semester” (OFA document, page 3). This optional statement “could focus on what faculty members have done to pivot their teaching or scholarly and creative work during this time; or it could include non-confidential information about pandemic effects (e.g., how they have been challenged, how they have risen to the challenges, what work they could not do because of the pandemic, what opportunities came up due to the pandemic); complexities of establishing laboratories or obtaining specialized equipment or materials; contextual information about work with students such as extra time spent with students who are being given multiple extensions on assignments, the emotional toll of helping students dealing with, for example, physical or mental illnesses, stress, anxiety, oppression, grief, or other support needs; revising course curriculum to more fully engage with anti-racist movements; significant life events; non-confidential personal challenges.
  • Faculty may “include in their dossiers and FRPA: conference papers accepted but not able to be presented; fellowships awarded that could not be accepted” or other “projects that could not be completed or executed.” (page 4)

Considerations for the Reviewing Committees:

  • The reviewing committee should “create more flexibility, consider more nuance, require fewer direct peer comparisons, focus on quality over quantity, “count” canceled or postponed conference papers or invited lectures, reconceptualize national/ international visibility, etc.” (page 5). The committee may deprioritize “student evaluations of teaching for Fall 2020 through Spring 2021” while also taking into account “the changes and additional duties faculty had to take on in 2020 and 2021” (page 4)
  • The committee should “recognize the contributions faculty members have made in various spheres, while considering each person’s specific working conditions, rather than comparing across faculty who may have different working conditions. For example, increased caregiving responsibilities or lack of access to research facilities as a result of the pandemic should not negatively affect assessments of faculty.”
  • The committee should “take into consideration the work that went into changing and modifying courses to adapt to various teaching modalities, learning and use of new technologies, additional preparation and coordination, less visible but substantial work supporting students and others, etc.” and account for the fact that “a productivity ‘slow-down’ due to the pandemic is to be expected.”(page 4)

IV. Process for promotion:

Process and Timelines

V. Advice for demonstrating criteria for teaching excellence

  • Format your CV for review, in line with disciplinary norms as well as CU norms (seek feedback from your PUEC chair)
  • Multiple measures: Note guidelines on multiple measures from the A&S guidelines. The following are strongly recommended:
    • Sample syllabi and assignments from one course.
    • Evidence that demonstrates all three “voices” as required by the College of Arts and Sciences:
      • Student voice (e.g. solicited letters from students, interview responses from peer observations. Note: FCQ numerical and qualitative results are required by college)
      • Peer voice (recommended minimum of 2 peer observations, other options include other letters from outside colleagues/peers and yearly teaching rubrics)
      • Candidate voice (e.g. statements, other materials, etc)
    • Impact beyond the unit may be demonstrated in a range of ways, such as: attendance at or presentations at conferences and/or workshops, publications on pedagogy, hosting workshops or trainings, creating pedagogical materials distributed beyond the unit, participating in public scholarship and public education, outreach and recruitment activities, engaging in efforts to revise curriculum to respond to most recent research on pedagogy; or otherwise participating in national and international conversations on pedagogy.
    • See also “illustrative examples” provided by the A&S guidelines

  • Note that the materials you submit for annual merit reviews may not be adequate for reappointment and promotion reviews. Please revise your materials appropriately.
  • You will be able to submit updated materials at any point until the review process is complete (e.g. you want to update with new accomplishments, and revise cv and materials to include it)
  • Levels of earlier review are not required to revise letters for materials submitted after review at that level has been completed, unless the file is returned to that level by a higher level.

VI. Criteria for Reappointment

Successful reappointment for the position of teaching assistant professor is contingent on fulfillment of the terms stipulated in the candidate’s letter of appointment when hired, any relevant MOUs, and the terms outlined in University of Colorado-Boulder’s document onProfessional Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty Members. In order to be reappointed to their current position, teaching assistant professors must demonstrate excellence in teaching and a meritorious performance of service. The components of a teaching professor’s evaluation are defined by the annual merit formula in the letter of appointment.

The dean of the College of Arts and Sciences has final authority over the reappointment of teaching professor-rank faculty.

Teaching (Excellent required for reappointment)Service (Meritorious required for reappointment)


  • demonstrates competence in teaching as measured by multiple measures of teaching (See measures inA&S document)

  • engaged in ongoing efforts to improve teaching


  • competently teaches courses as defined by contract and MOU (if applicable)


  • demonstrates service impact within GSLL according to terms of the contract and, if relevant, the MOU
  • examples of service impact within the unit include but are not limited to unit and program committee work, student activities, clubs, events, recruitment, placement and outcomes assessments, TA training, as well as program head or other administrative duties.

Below meritorious:

  • does not demonstrate service impact within GSLL in accordance with the terms of the contract and, if relevant, the MOU (if applicable)


Internally inconsistent ballots (for example, a ballot that votes for reappointment but votes below excellence in teaching), will be discarded as invalid.

VII. Process for Reappointment

Please see the following documents:

Please reviewsection V above for “Advice for Demonstrating Excellence in Teaching”

Expedited reappointment:

  • If either the chair or the dean see a need for a full review, a full review will be conducted.