Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ask/tell another person to wear a mask in a 1:1 setting?
Individuals can request that another person wear a mask in a 1:1 setting, however, they may not require them to wear a mask.Ìý

Can I ask/tell another person to wear a mask in an open office setting?
Individuals can request that another person wear a mask, however, they may not require them to wear a mask.

Can I request that students wear masks in my classroom?
In a mask-optional environment, you may request that students wear a mask. You may also choose to wear a mask for your own protection. You may not require students to wear a mask or ask them to leave if they choose not to wear a mask.Ìý

Can a group scheduling an event decide whether to require masks?
In a mask-optional environment, campus groups can recommend that participants wear a mask but cannot require it. Off-campus groups renting space on campus may choose to implement their own requirements. If an off-campus group requires masks, they would be responsible for enforcing that requirement.

What is a mask-optional environment?
In a mask-optional environment, individuals, including visitors to campus, make their own determination to wear a mask based on their comfort level.Ìý

Can professors, instructors and individual offices still decide to require masks?
Professors, instructors and individual offices can request that masks be worn but not require them.

Will masks be required for large gatherings/events?
Masks are not required, however, individuals can choose to wear them.

Would a new variant cause masks to be required again?
We will continue to track the evolution of this disease and work with campus, local and state health officials to ensure we are making the decisions that best protect our community. In particular, we would consider the transmission pattern of new variants, hospitalization rates and capacity of local hospitals in helping to make such a decision.Ìý

What are my options if I am not comfortable attending classes in person with no face covering policy? Either as a student who is immuno-compromised, or who lives with somebody that is? Can I ask to take the class remotely?

  • Students cannot request that an in-person course be taught to them remotely for reasons other than a documented disability that would require such an accommodation. Contact the Office of Disability Services for more information.Ìý
  • You can choose to continue to wear a mask.Ìý
  • Even if others are not wearing a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95 still provides protection.
  • For those who are both fully vaccinated/boosted and choose to wear a properly fitted N95 or KN95 mask, the chances of becoming infected with COVID-19 are extremely low.

​For staff who are not comfortable coming to work in-person without masks being required, am I able to work remotely?

  • If a department is not offering remote or hybrid work options, an employee can work with the ADA Compliance office to document a personal medical condition that would require an accommodation.Ìý
  • In the absence of an ADA accommodation, any decision to work remotely or hybrid is a departmental decision based upon the nature of the employee’s work and the needs of the department.
  • If you have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to return to work, please contact ADA Compliance directly at Please be aware that you may need to provide medical documentation as a part of their process, so it is recommended you contact them as soon as possible to ensure they have time to assess your request prior to the return-to-work date.
  • Leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may be a resource. Please contact Human Resources at to inquire if you would be eligible for FMLA and how FMLA can be used.
  • If you are experiencing other concerns or questions about returning to work, the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program is a free and confidential resource for employees, and we encourage you to connect with them to discuss your specific situation and navigate your options.
  • ÌýÌý1900 Wardenburg Drive 119 UCB Boulder, CO 80309
  • ÌýÌý303-492-5101