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Say we want to know: Were the World Trade Center towers standing when the plane crashed in Pennsylvania? We put the question to Google, and it gives us back thousands of pages about the September 11 attacks. On the one hand thats good, since were pretty sure one of those pages has our answer in it. But commercial search engines like Google or Yahoo dont really understand what were looking for, so its up to us to go through those pages onebyone until we find the answer to our question. In this particular case, it takes about two pages of text to find out that the south tower fell at 9:59am, UA 93 crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03:11, and the north tower fell at 10:28am. Many researchers in natural language processing (NLP) are interested in making web systems that can answer difficult questions like these as quickly and easily as Google currently answers factoid questions. This is a difficult task because computers really know very little about how language works. Consider text like: The top commander of a Cambodian resistance force said Thursday he has sent a team to recover the remains of a British mine removal expert kidnapped and presumed killed by Khmer Rouge guerrillas almost two years ago. Most search engines represent sentences like these as a simple bag of words which says only that the word a appeared three times, the word of, two times, the word Cambodian, once, etc. Such a simple representation is often enough to answer basic factoid questions, but falls short when faced with complex questions that require an understanding of events and the order in which they occurred. Recent NLP research has focused on a number of ways to move past this simple word-level understanding of text. Rather than treating documents like bags of unordered words, these researchers look at how computers can understand how language works to identify entities, events and the relations between them. So the sentence above would be represented as a graph (see  REF _Ref165729095 \h Figure 1), where we can see relations like: The victim of the kidnapped was the expert The commander sent his team out before he said anything about it Because these graphs include much more detailed information about how the different words in a document are related to each other, systems based on them can answer much more sophisticated questions than the simple bag of words approach can. However, extracting such graphs from text also requires much more sophisticated techniques. Where the bag of words approach needed only some basic knowledge of how spacing and punctuation work, graph-based techniques require knowledge of how human language works. To know that things like theWorldTradeCenter should be treated as a single entity rather than four individual words, graph-based systems must be able to tell which words are people, locations and events and which are not. Researchers in the Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS) have shown recently that such semantic information can be extracted automatically using machine learning methods [1, 2, 3]. They start with large-scale document collections where humans have manually identified each person, location and event mentioned in the texts. These annotated documents, along with simple information such as which words are capitalized and which words are nouns or verbs, are then fed to machine learning algorithms which look for patterns in the data. These patterns are assembled into models which know enough about how language works that they can look at a new document and find the entities and events within it. Once the entities and events in a document are identified, the real work begins. To really be able to answer complex questions about what the document means, it is crucial that systems identify not just the entities and events, but the relations between them. Work on identifying relations is still very much in its infancy, and state-of-the-art systems can typically handle only a few different types of relations. One type of relation in which ICS researchers have made substantial progress is the predicate-argument relation [4]. These relations match events with the entities they concern. For example, in the sentences below, the verb hit is associated with an impactor relation to American Airlines Flight 11 and an impactee relation to the North Tower. American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower. The North Tower was hit by American Airlines Flight 11. To identify such relations, computers must have a deep understanding of language structure. They must be able to realize that words may appear in different orders and still express the same basic meaning. The machine learning methods that learn such patterns no longer rely on simple features like which words are nouns or verbs. Instead, they look at things like how far the event and entity are from each other, and what kinds of words and phrases intervene. Only by delving a little deeper into how language works are these systems able to recognize entity-event relations. Of course, not every relation links an entity with an event. Of particular interest are temporal relations like before and after which relate a pair of events together. These are the kind of relations that allow systems to answer questions such as Which tower was hit first? or What order did the planes crash in? Again, ICS researchers have looked to machine learning techniques to address such relations. But temporal relations are harder than predicate-argument relations because they may relate events that are many phrases or even many sentences apart. Still, we know that humans have little trouble understanding such long distance relations, and in reading sentences like the one below, immediately recognize that the rising of share prices came after the resignation of Mr. Stronach: On the Toronto Stock Exchange yesterday, Magna shares rose 37.5 Canadian cents to C$9.625. Mr. Stronach, founder and controlling shareholder of Magna, resigned as chief executive officer last year. To be able to identify such temporal relations, ICS researchers are trying to use machine learning approaches that more closely follow the approach humans are believed to take. Long distance relations like the one between rose and resigned are built up by first identifying smaller relations, for example, that the rising was during the time yesterday and that the resignation was During the time last year. The system can then conclude that rising is after the resignation by simply recognizing that the time yesterday is after the time last year. In order to build systems that can identify even the simplest temporal relations, researchers need to dig deep into how language works and give the machine learning algorithms a variety of information, including the words and phrases that intervene between the events, as well as whether each event already occurred, is occurring now, or may occur in the future. Of course, extracting this kind of information is now many levels past the simple space and punctuation analysis that search engines perform. Still, recent results are promising and suggest that machines can learn such relations, in some cases finding as many as 9 out of 10 temporal relations correctly. So how long will you have to wait until you can go to the web, type in Which WTC tower was standing when the plane crashed in Pennsylvania? and have the search engine spit back the simple phrase The north one? Such a thing is still many years away. But the basic infrastructure on which these future systems will depend is being built today. Machine learning techniques are teaching computers the intricacies of human language, and when these computers are grown up theyll be able to converse with humans in new, useful and meaningful ways. Bibliography 1. Detection of Entity Mentions Occurring in English and Chinese Text. Hacioglu, Kadri, Douglas, Benjamin and Chen, Ying. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: s.n., 2005. HLT/EMNLP-2005. 2. Automatic Time Expression Labeling for English and Chinese Text. Hacioglu, Kadri, Chen, Ying and Douglas, Benjamin. Mexico City, Mexico: s.n., 2005. CICLing-2005. 3. Identification of event mentions and their semantic class. Bethard, Steven and Martin, James H. 2006. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. 4. Support Vector Learning for Semantic Argument Classification. Pradhan, Sameer, et al. 1, 2005, Machine Learning, Vol. 60, pp. 11-39.  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