
  • Visiting Scientist
  • Assistant Professor, Middlebury College

Paleoceanography • Paleoclimatology • Deep ocean oxygen • Respired carbon storage

Allison is visiting INSTAAR while on sabbatical from Middlebury College where she is an Assistant Professor of Earth and Climate Sciences and runs the Facility for Oceanography @ Middlebury (the FOR@M).

Allison primarily uses inorganic geochemistry (stable & radiogenic isotopes, and trace elements) to reconstruct ocean carbon storage and the mechanisms that amplify insolation forcing on glacial-interglacial timescales. At INSTAAR she is excited to partner with Julio Sepúlveda's Organic Geochemistry Lab on a new organic biomarker-based proxy for bottom water oxygen reconstructions.

Allison earned her Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and was a Voss Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Brown University.