Fall 2021 Colloquium in Integrative Physiology


DateTitle and Speaker

August 23

Student Orientation

Doug Seals, Ph.D.*
CU Distinguished Professor
Department of Integrative Physiology

August 30

Genetics of Addiction: Integration of Human and Rodent Studies

Marissa Ehringer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Integrative Physiology and Institute for Behavioral Genetics
(Host: Pei Tsai pei-san.tsai@colorado.edu)

September 6Campus closed - Labor Day

September 13

COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Clinical Trial

Mike Joyner, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic Rochester
(Host: Chris deSouza desouzac@colorado.edu)

September 20

How Genetically Identical Animals Express Genes Differently

Alex Mendenhall, Ph.D.
University of Washington, Seattle
(Host: Tom Johnson johnsont@colorado.edu)


Corticospinal Function Following Human Spinal Cord Injury

Monica Perez, Ph.D.
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
(Host: Roger Enoka enoka@colorado.edu)

October 4

Environmental Exposures and the Human Gut Microbiome: Implications for Obesity/T2DM

Tanya L. Alderete, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Physiology
(Host: Pei Tsai pei-san.tsai@colorado.edu)

October 11

Productivity, Prominence, and the Effects of Academic Environment

Aaron Clauset, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Computer Science/BioFrontiers Institute
(Host: Doug Seals douglas.seals@colorado.edu)*

October 18

Personal Organizing for Academic Success

Susan R. Johnson, M.D.
Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa
(Host: Doug Seals douglas.seals@colorado.edu)*

October 25

Challenges for Women in Science

Angela Bryan, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
(Host: Doug Seals douglas.seals@colorado.edu)*

November 1

Viruses of Microbes: Lessons Learned from the Oceans and Humans

Matthew Sullivan, Ph.D.
Department of Microbiology
The Ohio State University
(Host: Ken Wright kenneth.wright@colorado.edu)

November 8

Laboratory Organization and Management

Jeremy Boss, Ph.D.
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Emory University School of Medicine
(Host: Doug Seals douglas.seals@colorado.edu)*

November 15

Before, During and After my PI Falsified Data

Mary Allen Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
BioFrontiers Institute
(Host: Doug Seals douglas.seals@colorado.edu)*

November 22

No classes - Fall Break


Mentor/Mentee Relationships

Amy E. Palmer, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs
Department of Biochemistry; BioFrontiers Institute
(Host: Doug Seals douglas.seals@colorado.edu)*

December 6

Your Brain on Steroids: Hormone Effects on Reproductive Neural Circuits

Alexander Kauffman, Ph.D.
Department of OBGYN and Reproductive Sciences
University of California, San Diego
(Host: Pei Tsai pei-san.tsai@colorado.edu)