Spring 2010 Colloquium in Integrative Physiology


DateTitle and Speaker
January 14

Introduction to Colloquium

David Allen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Physiology
University of Colorado at Boulder

January 21

Hormonal Mechanisms of Developmental Plasticity: A Story of Stress, Food, and Fat

Erica Crespi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Mary Clark Rockefeller Chair of Environmental Studies
Department of Biology
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY
(Host: Pei-San Tsai pei-san.tsai@colorado.edu)

January 28

Glucocorticoid-Immune Interactions and Psychological Stress: Relevance for Health and Disease

Thaddeus Pace, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
(Host:Rodger Kram rodger.kram@colorado.edu)

February 4

Role of Calcium/Calmodulin Kinases In Skeletal Muscle Glucose Transport and Growth

Carol Witczak, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Metabolism Section
Joslin Diabetes Section
Boston, MA
(Host: Chris Lowry christopher.lowry@colorado.edu)

February 11

The NAD World: Systemic Control of Metabolism and Aging by SIRTI and NAMPT-mediated NAD Biosynthesis in Mammals

Shin-ichiro Imai, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Developmental Biology and Department of Medicine
Washington University
(Host: Doug Seals seals@colorado.edu)

February 18

Sleep and Circadian Processes in Early Childhood: Implications for Health and Development

Monique LeBourgeois, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor
Department of Education
Brown University
Providence, RI
(Host: Chris DeSouzadesouzac@colorado.edu)


Sleep, Cognition, and Brain Function in Old Age,Dementia, and Insomnia

Eus J W Van Someren, Ph.D.
Department of Sleep and Cognition
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and Leiden University Medical Center
(Host: Ken Wright kenneth.wright@colorado.edu)

March 4

Some New Opportunities for Genetic Research on the Biology of Aging

George Martin, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology and Genome Sciences
University of Washington
(Host: Tom Johnson thomas.johnson@colorado.edu)

March 11

Skeletal Muscle as an Endocrine Organ With Focus on the Role of Myokines in Muscle-Fat Cross-Talk

Bente Pedersen, M.D., D.M.Sc.
Professor of Integrative Medicine
Director of Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism
Department of Infectious Diseases and Metabolism
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
(Host: Doug Seals seals@colorado.edu)

March 18

Using Motor Redundancy to Control Legged Locomotion Before and After Neuromotor Trauma

Young-Hui Chang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Institute of Technology
(Host: Rodger Kramrodger.kram@colorado.edu)

April 1

Of Rules and Neural Regulation of Sensorimotor Adaptation

Amy Bastian, Ph.D., P.T.
Director, Motion Analysis Laboratory
Kennedy Kreiger Insitute
Associate Professor of Neurology
Johns Hopkins University
(Host: Alaa Ahmed alaa.ahmed@colorado.edu)

April 8

A Long Winter's Nap: Cardiovascular Consequence of Torpor

Steven Swoap, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Williams College
(Host: David Allendavid.l.allen@colorado.edu)

April 15

Genetics and Genomics in the Laboratory Mouse Applied to the Study of Human Alcoholism

Richard Radcliffe, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Colorado at Denver
(Host: Marissa Ehringermarissa.ehringer@colorado.edu)

April 22

Tutorial on Imaging of Signal Transduction Pathways

Amy Palmer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Colorado at Boulder

April 29

Graduate Student Presentations

Michael Pascoe

Age-Associated Changes in the Final Common Pathway

Owen MacEneaney

Influence of Obesity on Endothelial Cell Number and Function

Andrew Edwards

Cellular Mechanisms of Sustainable Cardioprotection

The IPHY Student Board will provide refreshments to celebrate the occasion.