
  • Ph.D. Student

Education Background

Before joining the SBS lab, Cary received his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in May 2019. At Purdue University he performed research studying collisions of non-spherical particles in granular flows using the Discrete Element Method. Part of this research was done as a participant in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) at Purdue, which sponsored his full time research during the Summer of 2018. This culminated with a presentation at the SURF Symposium and the abstract for this can be found . He was also a member of the national mechanical engineering honor society Pi Tau Sigma.

Research Interests

Indoor environment, computational fluid dynamics, energy efficient buildings, building resiliency, machine learning, andmultiphase flow.

Research Projects

09/2020 - Present: DTRA -Contaminant Spread Modeling(with LBNL)

07/2019 - 09/2020: DOE -Improving Data Center Energy Efficiency through End-to-End Cooling Modeling and Optimization(with LBNL and Schneider Electric)


C. A. Faulkner, J. E. Castellini, Y. Lou, W. Zuo, D. M. Lorenzetti, M. D. Sohn. 2022."," Building and Environment, 221, pp. 109282.

Y. Ye, M. Strong, Y. Lou, C. A. Faulkner, W. Zuo, S. Upadhyaya. 2022. "," Energy and Buildings, 269, pp. 112247.

C. A. Faulkner, J. E. Castellini, W. Zuo, D. M. Lorenzetti, M. D. Sohn 2022. “Investigation of HVAC Operation Strategies for Office Buildings During COVID-19 Pandemic.” Building and Environment, 207 (B), pp. 108519.

J. E. Castellini, C. A. Faulkner, W. Zuo, D. M. Lorenzetti, M. D. Sohn 2022. “Assessing the Use of Portable Air Cleaners for Reducing Exposure to Airborne Diseases in a Conference Room with Thermal Stratification. Building and Environment, 207 (B), pp. 108441.

C. A. Faulkner, D. S. Jankowski, W. Zuo, P. Epple, M. D. Sohn 2021. "A Novel Physics-informed Algorithm for Training AI Models to Predict Indoor Airflow."Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2021), Seoul, South Korea (Virtual Conference), November 24-26, 2021.

C. A. Faulkner, J. E. Castellini Jr., W. Zuo, D. M. Lorenzetti, M. D. Sohn 2021. "MERV 13 Filtration for Office Buildings During COVID-19 Pandemic."Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2021), Seoul, South Korea (Virtual Conference), November 24-26, 2021.

C. Fan, K. Hinkelman, Y. Fu, W. Zuo, S. Huang, C. Shi,N. Mamaghani, C. Faulkner, X. Zhou 2021."Open-source Modelica Models for the Control Performance Simulation of Chiller Plants with Water-side Economizer." Applied Energy,299, pp. 117337.

X. Han, W. Tian, J. VanGilder, W. Zuo, C. Faulkner 2021. "An Open Source Fast Fluid Dynamics Model for Data Center Thermal Management." Energy and Buildings, 230, pp. 110599.


C. A. Faulkner 2021 "",ISHVAC 2021 Conference, November.

C. A. Faulkner 2021 "",ISHVAC 2021 Conference, November.