Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Borrowing
The Law Library offers Interlibrary Loan services to current CU Boulder Law students, faculty, and staff to assist them in obtaining materials for their coursework, scholarship, and research projects.
Law students desiring to borrow items for personal purposes as well as public patrons should contact the Interlibrary Loan department at their local public library.
Other CU Boulder affiliates should contact the Interlibrary Loan department at Norlin.
CU Boulder Law Students, Faculty and Staff
The Law Library participates in several library cooperative ventures that allow us to borrow and lend materials with other libraries. This greatly expands the resources available to you.
Be sure to search before ordering materials through ILL. We do not order via ILL any materials which are currently held by a library on the CU Boulder campus.
The following links and instructions should be used to submit ILL borrowing requests. Please note that new releases and current editions of legal casebooks are often difficult to obtain in a timely fashion. Whenever possible, we recommend requesting scans of articles, chapters or specific pages instead of requesting book loans. Scans often arrive much faster than loans and do not have due dates to worry about.
: a catalog containing the records of thousands of libraries across the United States and worldwide. You can use FirstSearch to locate and request books or articles from participating libraries and have them delivered to the Law Library. Fees associated with the use of this service will be covered by the Law Library up to $15.
To search for and order books or articles through FirstSearch:
- Always search for the book in before requesting the item via FirstSearch. If no match is found or none are available, then use FirstSearch to request the material. Please note that in order to use the FirstSearch database you will need to be on the university’s network or logged in to the CU VPN. Our page has more information.
- Once you have located the item you wish to request in , click on the icon above “ILL” at the top left.
- Next, you must enter your first name, last name, and CU email address. You may also enter comments. Please use this field to indicate:
- If you need a scan of an article, chapter or specific pages, list the cite information here. Include author, article/chapter title, volume/date, and pagination if known.
- If a campus library owns the item you are requesting, but it is unavailable, list that.
- If you are ordering as a research assistant for a professor, list the professor’s name.
- If you ordering as part of a cite check or for a journal article, list the publication.
- Click on "Submit.” The next screen will confirm that your request was successfully received or alert you to an error.
When the item is received by the Law Library, a notice will be emailed to you. Books will be held at the Law Library Circulation Desk.
If you are having trouble locating an item or have other questions about Interlibrary Loan, contact a Research Librarian at, or , or .
Revised 5/2023
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Lending
The Law Library can lend many materials to another domestic library upon request. Items circulate for four weeks, and may be renewed once for another two weeks unless requested by a Law Library patron. The Law Library can also provide scans of many articles and chapters through interlibrary loan.
Borrowing libraries are responsible for the safety of borrowed materials from the time the material leaves the Law Library until it is returned to the Law Library. If damage or loss occur, the borrowing library must meet all costs of repair or replacement, as specified by the Law Library.
As a general rule, the Law Library does not lend non-circulating materials such as periodicals, looseleafs, reference books, reserve materials, or media resources.
Interlibrary loan requests may be made electronically through OCLC or email.
For more information about our interlibrary loan policies, please visit our policies page.
Is there an item you would like the Wise Law Library to consider purchasing? Please fill out our .