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FORMTEXT       What has been the most challenging part of your externship and how are you handling this challenge? Is your supervisor aware of this challenge? Please explain.  FORMTEXT       What legal skills has your supervisor identified that you need to work on the most and how do you plan on improving in this area? If you supervisor has not identified any issues, what skills do you believe you need to work on the most and how do you plan on improving in this area? How many times have you met with your supervisor to receive feedback? What do you consider the most helpful aspect of this feedback? If you are not regularly meeting or talking with your supervisor, please explain why and the steps you are taking to schedule a meeting.  FORMTEXT       Describe how you have handled a specific research and writing assignment at your externship. Specifically address who gave you the assignment, what questions you asked in order to clarify the assignment, how you beg#$%&CUWno      uukud`XdhQh^\hsm hQhQhQhQ0J\jhQhQU\hQhi\hQhQ\ hzl\hQhE\hQhPXQ\hQh~\ h\hQhQCJ\aJh+*6CJ\aJhQh^5CJ \aJ hQh+*5CJ \aJ hQhie5CJ \aJ hfo5CJ \aJ $%&  ! "  f J   gd~h`hgd1h^hgdEh^hgd1h^hgdzh^hgd;gd^ $7$8$H$a$gdi $7$8$H$a$gdQ 7$8$H$gd $7$8$H$a$gd^ ! 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How do you define cross-cultural competency? How does the lawyering skill of cross-cultural competency relate to being a professional for you? Has this experience brought you any closer to determining what you would ultimately like to do in your career? If so, how? If it has not, how do you plan to investigate your other interests? If there anything else you would like the Law School to know about your externship? Is there anything you wish you had known about your externship at the start or suggestions that you have for the growth of the school s Experiential Learning program?  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