What to Bring

During May 2024move-out, CU residence hall students sent 120 tons of waste to the landfill. One of the best ways to help minimize our environmental impact is to reduce the purchase of unwanted/unused items. We encourage students to get a feel for what they need by spending several days in their room before making significant purchases. As a rule of thumb, we discourage students from packing more than one car-full for move-in

List of what to bring

Bicycle, Bike Light and U-Lock

Lighted bike racks are located near every residence hall. Always lock your bike with a quality u-lock to secure the frame and frontwheel and bring a bike light for riding at night. If you keep your bike in your room, you may not use bike hooks in the walls or ceiling. Bike registration is free, and mandatory on campus, and can be completedonline. For more information on campus bicycle programs, visit the.

Cleaning supplies

Residence hall community center front desks provide basic supplies such as vacuum cleaners, brooms and dustpans for residents to check out. We strongly recommend that you bring your own cleaning supplies such as disinfecting wipes. If you are living in a suite, or apartment, you should also bring spray disinfectant to wipe down countertops, toilet bowl cleaner and other bathroom cleaning supplies.

Coffee mug

Bring a reusable coffee/tea travel mug to keep your beverages at the perfect temperature and increase your sustainability efforts.


All residents are strongly encouraged to bring a. Residence halls are equipped with Wi-Fi and wired internet. An ethernet jack is in each room, if you plan to use ethernet, we suggest you bring a CAT 6 ethernet cable. Additional jacks can be requested. For instructions on how to connect to the visit the Network support services areavailable through the.Additionally, students can purchase discounted PC computers through CU's partnership with, get valuable Mac recommendations from theand.

Note: additional wireless access ports and routers of any kind arenot allowedin the residence halls.

If you don't have a computer, there are manyon campus.

Desk Lamp

All residents are encouraged to bring a desk lamp for the rooms.

Electronics (TV, gaming system, etc.)

You should contact your roommate(s) and agree on what large electronic items you plan to bring to campus. There likely won't be room for two of everything! For gaming systems, we also recommend bringing ethernet cables (E5 or better) for the beststability and speed. The wireless network will not currently provide the best gaming experience. Access to a coaxial cable jack is not provided in student rooms. Studentswho want to watch tv/shows, etc., will need to use the CU wireless internet and download their fav app to enjoy those shows.

Please be aware that certain Wi-Fi capabilities on electronic devices (e.g. projecting, controlling from another device) may not work on the campus network.


Andrews, Arnett, Baker, Buckingham, Darley North, Darley South, Kittredge Central, Kittredge West, Smith, Stearns East, Stearns West, Williams Village East and Williams Village Northhave air conditioning, but a small room fan can be helpful in providing some additional cooling, plus it's great for "white noise" in a busy atmosphere.

Laundry supplies

Bring a laundry bag or basket, plusdetergent (we suggest cold-water detergent to support sustainability efforts).


Bring thin cotton mattress cover, sheets, pillows and blankets. Beds are 80" long, requiring extra-long twin sheets. Linens may be purchased in many discount and department stores, and through the Residence Hall Association sponsored . While some students will choose to bring a foam mattress topper to place over their mattress, most are made of plastics and none are recyclable in Boulder. To help prevent significant waste at move-out, we strongly encourage students to sleep on their mattress for a few nights before determining if a foam topper is needed. If purchased, we encourage reducing waste by selecting a 2” variety made of bamboo or down as opposed to latex.


Each student is provided with a lockable filing cabinet. We suggest you bring a lock with you to secure important/valuable belongings. In most halls, the inside diameter of the locking mechanism is 3/8", allowing a standard combination lock to fit.


We encourage residents to pack hand sanitizer (both pocket sized and desktop sized).


Small standing picture frames on your desk work best to give your room a personal touch. Be sure to check with your roommate before hanging large posters or pictures, and use only approved adhesive hangers. Do not make holes in the walls or ceiling. Fabric, tapestries, flags or banners with the longest edge exceeding three feet (36 inches) in length are prohibited on walls.

Power strip

A power strip will provide you with all the outlets you need in your room, help keep your electronics organized and protect them against a possible power surge.Students in Sewall hall should limit the number of electronics they bring due to the historical nature of this building.

Recreation equipment

Many halls are near recreation fields, so bring Frisbees, footballs, volleyballsand tennis rackets. Bring skis and snowboards if you have room to store them.

Renter's insurance

The university is not responsible and does not provideinsurance or financial protection for resident's personal property. Students are fully responsible for personal property and damages caused by the student while on university property. Renter's insurance is strongly encouraged and is offered through the housing application for students seeking an insurance option.

Shopping bag

Bringing several reusable shopping bags will be convenient, environmentally friendly and a money saver. Boulder County charges $.10 per bag at all shops that sell food (including grocery stores and places like Target).


All residents are strongly encouraged to bring their own cellular phones and service.

A request can be made for activation of local land-line phone service in your unit for a nonrefundable fee of $500 per academic year. To make such a request, contact the University Housing office at 303-492-6673 before August 1, to complete the necessary forms. Land-line phone requests submitted before August 1 will be activated before residents arrive, otherwise students making a special room phone land-line request need to allow three weeks for activation. The nonrefundable fee of $500 per academic year includes installation, activation, basic local service for a single line analog phone, and continuation of service if moved to another room. It does not include long distance minutes or telephone handset. The student must provide a basic telephone handset.

Toiletries and towels

You may find a small tote or shower caddy helpful for carrying your toiletries to and from the bathroom.

University documents

Keep all letters, receiptsand university publications in an electronic or paper file folder.

Water bottle

We strongly recommend you bring a reusable water bottle. There are water bottle filling stations in each residence hall and in most buildings on campus.

Wellness kit

General first-aid supplies, digital thermometer (not mercury), hand sanitizer, tissues, fever reducers (acetaminophen, ibuprofen).

Winter wear

Colorado is beautiful in the winter, but it can get cold. We recommend bringing along a warm coat, boots, gloves/mittens and a hat. Don't forget sunscreen. At Boulder's higher elevation, the sun is dangerous even on cloudy days. Rain gear is useful year-round.