
  • Donna Maes, our office manager, has been named one of five employees of the year by the College of Arts and Sciences at the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18. Congratulations and thanks!
  • Congratulations to Daniel Martin, Matthew Pierson, and Athena Sparks, winners of the 2018-2019 Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award.
  • The Department of Mathematics Is proud to announce that Jonathan Quartin and Patrick Wynne are the winners of the 2018 W. E. Briggs Teaching Excellence Award.
  • Congratulations to Katharine Adamyk, Brendt Gerics, and Cherry Ng, winners of the 2017-2018 Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Eric Stade for receiving the ! A very well deserved award! 
  • Divya Vernerey has been honored with the Marinus Smith award for the second year in a row.  The purpose of this award is to identify and recognize CU Boulder faculty, staff, coaches, and administrators who have made a significant impact on the lives of CU Boulder students.
  • Please join the Awards Committee in congratulating David Grant on his receiving lifetime designation as a .
  • The Awards Committee is again delighted to announce that our colleague Professor Jeanne Clelland has been selected by the MAA Rocky Mountain Section leaders as the winner of the 2018 (Rocky Mountain Section)!
  • The Awards Committee is thrilled to announce that Professor Jeanne Clelland has received a 2017-2018 Boulder Faculty Assembly Award for Excellence in Teaching and Pedagogy.  Congratulations, Professor Clelland, on this prestigious and much-deserved award!
  • The Department of Mathematics is proud to announce that Jordan DuBeau is the winner of the 2017 W. E. Briggs Teaching Excellence Award
  • Congratulations to Mark Pullins, Jeffrey Shriner, and Noah Williams, winners of the 2017 Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award
  • Please join the Graduate Committee and the chair of the graduate program, Dr. Sergei Kuznetsov in congratulating Mark Pullins for receiving the 2017 W. J. Thron Mathematics Fellowship. Mark is a 4th year graduate student studying with Dr. Keith Kearnes, working in the area of groups of finite Morley rank.
  • Kate Stange has received a five-year National Science Foundation CAREER Award. These awards are intended to recognize junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through research, education, and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. The award will support her research activities in number theory, arithmetic geometry, Kleinian groups, and cryptography. It will also support accessible research and outreach experiences for CU Boulder undergraduate students.
  • Divya Vernerey, Keith Kearnes, and Natalie Coston have been selected in 2017 to receive the Marinus Smith Award from New Student and Family Programs at the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ18. The purpose of this award is to identify and recognize CU Boulder faculty, staff, coaches, and administrators who have made a significant impact on the lives of CU Boulder students.
  • Congratulations to Brendt Gerics, winner of the 2016 W. E. Briggs Teaching Excellence Award.
  • Prof. Sean O'Rourke has received a grant from the NSF Energy, Power, Control and Networks (EPCN) Program (for $296,558 over 24 months). The project involves a collaboration with Prof. Behrouz Touri, who is in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at CU Boulder. The goal of the project is to study universal controllability properties of random systems, and involves topics in engineering, applied mathematics, and pure mathematics.
  • The University of Colorado, Boulder, has just been awarded an NSF grant to study the implementation of sustainable active learning strategies in the sequence of courses Precalculus, Calculus 1, and Calculus 2. This $3,000,000, five-year award is a collaborative grant involving UCB, the University of Nebraska, San Diego State University, and the APLU. Rob Tubbs is the UCB PI with co-PIs David Grant (Math) and David Webb (School of Education). The awardees first will study and document the characteristics of 6 departments that are already employing sustainable active learning strategies in the Precalc-Calc 2 sequence, including UCB. They will then solicit applications from, and award funding to, up to 9 other institutions to support their attempts to introduce active learning into Precalc-Calc 2 in a sustainable way. A major focus of the grant is to study how these 9 institutions adapt to accommodate these changes.
  • Professor Martin Walter has been honored with a 2016 Boulder Faculty Assembly Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service. The BFA Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor, specifically recognize outstanding work and a concerted effort to make advances in the academy.
  • Congratulations to Matthew Grimes, Jared Nishikawa, and Keli Parker, winners of the 2016 Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award
  • Professor Eric Stade has been honored with a 2015 CU Best Should Teach Gold Award. The Best Should Teach Initiative strives to acknowledge excellence in teaching and academic leadership. The initiative is managed by the Graduate Teacher Program in coordination with the School of Education, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Graduate School at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Lindley and Marguerite Stiles established the initiative in 1996 to promulgate the message that "The Best Should Teach."
  • Congratulations to Judy Packer, winner of the 2015 Ames Award from the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, in recognition of her paper "Quantum Heisenberg manifolds as twisted groupoid C*-algebras"!
  • Congratulations to Katharine Adamyk and Cherry Ng, winners of the 2015 W. E. Briggs Teaching Excellence Award!
  • PhD Candidate Erica Shannon was selected by CU's to receive the Top TA/GPTI Award for 2015 in recognition of her demonstrated dedication to excellence in teaching. Award recipients were honored at UGGS's annual Roundtable Reception on April 21st.
  • Graduate students Natalie Coston, Julie Linman and Erica Shannon are the 2015 recipients of the Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award. Excellent job, ladies! Congratulations!
  • Congratulations to graduate student Noah Williams for winning the 2014 W. E. Briggs Teaching Award!
  • Congratulations to math major Harold Hausman! He has been awarded the 2014-2015 Jack Hodges Award for Excellence in Mathematics. The award is given annually to an advanced undergraduate student majoring in mathematics who has demonstrated the greatest promise in the mathematical sciences. Jack Hodges was a member of the Department of Mathematics from 1960 until his retirement in 1993.  The Jack Hodges Award for Excellence in Mathematics is supported by the Jack Hodges Scholarship fund.
  • Professor Eric Stade has received a 2013 Award of Excellence as an Outstanding Teacher for Technology from ASSETT. Dr. Stade was nominated by students in his MATH 1310: Calculus, Systems and Modeling course for his implementation of the iOS/Android app MathStudio as a tool for modeling real-world phenomena.
  • Dr. Eric Stade's MATH 1310: Calculus, Systems, and Modeling, is highlighted on the ASSETT website. (Broken link has been removed)
  • Graduate students Scott Andrews, Clifford Bridges and Trubee Davison are the 2014 recipients of the Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award. You Guys Rock!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Keith Kearnes! He has won an Award of Excellence as an Outstanding Teacher for Technology in Teaching from ASSETT. Dr. Kearnes was nominated by students in his Set Theory course commending him on his excellent webpage for the class. Way to go!
  • Professor Eric Stade has been honored with a 2013 Boulder Faculty Assembly Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service. The BFA Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor, specifically recognize outstanding work and a concerted effort to make advances in the academy.
  • Graduate students Natalie Coston and Jeffrey Shriner are the 2013 recipients of the Williams Briggs Teaching Excellence Award. Congratulations!
  • Math Education Receives MTE Partnership Grant: David Webb and Kimberly Bunning, along with Department of Mathematics Professors Eric Stade and Rob Tubbs, have been awarded a grant through the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership from the Helmsley Trust to work on professional development and materials related to CU's active-learning calculus courses.
  • Congratulations to Katherine Stange. She will receive the Mathematical Association's Paul R. Halmos-Lester R. Ford Award at the Mathfest 2013 Prize Session on August 2 in Hartford CT. Dr. Stange is being recognized for her paper "How to make the most of a shared meal:  Plan the last bite first" published in August-September 2012 in The American Mathmatical Monthly.
  • Graduate students Amy Feaver, William Stanton and Nathan Wakefield are the 2013 recipients of the Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award. Great job!
  • Congratulations to Emeritus Professors Jan Mycielski and Wolfgang Schmidt on being elected to the inaugural class of Fellows of the American Mathematical Society. Adjunct Professors Daniel Stroock and Raymond O. Wells, Jr. were also elected as inaugural Fellows, and congratulations to them as well. The announcement of Fellows was made on November 1, 2012, and .
  • Dr. Brian Rider has been given a College Scholar Award by the College of Arts and Sciences.  A panel of the college's professors of distinction bestow these awards in recognition of scholarly accomplishments, and the awards allow faculty to pursue full time research for one semester.
  • Dr. Brian Rider has been named a Simons Fellow by the Simons Foundation for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Simons Fellows Program provides funds to faculty for up to a semester long research leave from classroom teaching and administrative obligations. Awards are based on the applicant's scientific accomplishment in the five-year period preceding the application and on a judgment of the potential scientific impact of the leave period.
  • Graduate students Tyson Gern, Justin Keller and Benjamin Purkis are the 2012 recipients of the Burton W. Jones Teaching Excellence Award. Great job!
  • To recognize our excellent diversity plan, the Department of Mathematics was awarded $1500 by the Committee on Academic Community and Diversity of the Arts and Sciences Council, in the form of extra fellowship money for incoming graduate student Keli Parker.
  • Graduate student Matthew Hartman won the 2011 William Briggs Teaching Award and graduate student Matthew Stackpole won the 2011 Burton W. Jones teaching award. Congratulations!
  • Dr. Eric Stade has been selected to be a President’s Teaching Scholar. This appointment will continue throughout his career at CU. You can read more about the program at the .
  • Professor Keith Kearnes has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship for fall semester 2010 to collaborate with a group of researchers in Hungary on applications of relational clones to algebra and theoretical computer science.
  • Office Manager Donna Maes received the 2010 Service Excellence Award. The award is given by the University of Colorado Staff Council to one qualified individual per campus and one from University System Administration and includes a cash award. The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward individuals who have provided outstanding volunteer service to their campus, community/civic/professional activities, and the University as a whole through involvement in staff issues, committee work, teamwork, professional development of peers, and community relations.
  • The 2010 Burton Jones was shared by graduate students Patrick Newberry and Michael Noyes.
  • Graduate student Daniel Proulx won the 2010 William Briggs.
  • Senior Instructor Delphy Shaulis was selected to receive a 2010 "Marinus Smith Award" from the CU Parents Association. The award is named after Marinus Smith, who made a significant financial contribution and donation of land to the university so that it could be located in Boulder. The purpose of the award is to identify and recognize CU-Boulder faculty, staff, coaches, and administrators who have made a significant impact on the lives of CU undergraduate students. The award is presented at a luncheon ceremony by Chancellor Phil DiStefano.
  • Department Chair Eric Stade has received the 2010 Burton W. Jones Distinguished Teaching Award from the Mathematical Association of America’s Rocky Mountain Section. The MAA board of governors established Section Awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics to recognize outstanding teachers who foster student excitement about mathematics. The honor includes a certificate and honorarium, and automatic nomination for the Deborah and Franklin Haimo National Awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics.
  • The National Science Foundation has awarded the Department of Mathematics of the University of Colorado a $64,533 grant entitled "GPOTS Special Meetings 2009/2010 - High-Altitude Training for the Next Generation of Operator Theorists and Operator Algebraists". .
  • Congratulations to graduate students Erika Wittenborn and Benjamin Katz-Moses, winners of the 2009 Burton W. Jones teaching award. Congratulations as well to Matthew Jones, winner of William Briggs teaching award for 2009.
  • Assistant Professor Brian Rider is a recipient of the 2008 Rollo Davidson Prize, see here for the .
  • Professor Judith Packer has been recognized with the "Outstanding Graduate Advising Faculty Award 2007-2008."
  • To support his continuing efforts to enhance mathematics education both at CU and in the Boulder Valley public schools, by bringing undergraduates and graduate students from the University into the classroom at Pioneer Bilingual Elementary in Lafayette, Whittier Elementary in Boulder, and elsewhere, Professor Stade has been awarded a 2008-2009 grant from the .
  • Assistant Professor Brian Rider received a 2007 NSF CAREER award for his project "Random Matrix Theory, Random Schroedinger and Wireless Communication." The CAREER awards provide early career development for faculty with outstanding potential.
  • In 2007, Professor Keith Kearnes delivered the 22nd Annual Shanks Lectures, Vanderbilt University's Distinguished Lecture Series in Mathematics.
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