GE Typhoon

MCDB now has the latest GE Typhoon scanner. It can scan for fluorescense, perform phosphorimaging, and densitometry with lasers at 438nm, 532nm, and 635nm. You can take images of gels, blots, plates, microplates, and macroarrays. We also have the excellent ImageQuant TL analysis software.
Training materials.
- Please contact the BioCore manager for your initial training.
- Amersham Typhoon User Manual.
- Handbook of Imaging.
- Excitations and Emissions.
- IQTL User Manual.
- Â (movie tutorial).
- Â (movie tutorial).
- Â (movie tutorial).
- Â (movie tutorial).
ImageQuant TL Software.
- Instructions on how to obtain, install, and configure the ImageQuant analysis software.