ࡱ> proW bjbjzBzB 7t(a(al l ,(<#ddv-Dq$"""""""$$'h""" ""r !#Zyq!""0#!z((!(!""#(l B : Ƶ18 Tenure Track Faculty Search Summary The purpose of this form is to ensure that tenure track faculty searches are conducted in accordance with the Universitys commitment to ensuring a diverse, qualified applicant pool and in compliance with state and federal equal employment opportunity and affirmative action requirements. **This form must be submitted with the signed offer letter to the Office of Faculty Affairs for review before the hire will be reported to the Chancellor for final approval; failure to include this form may require the dean to submit a request for retroactive approval to the Chancellor ** Hires with tenure may not proceed to the Board of Regents for final approval without this Search Summary Form Hiring UnitHiring AuthorityPosition Level Position Discipline/FieldPosition NumberName of Proposed Candidate(s)Anticipated Start DateForm Submitted ByForm Submittal Date Report on Search and Recruitment Process  FORMCHECKBOX  The search committee members were the same as those listed in the search plan. If not, please explain below:  FORMCHECKBOX  All position announcements included the required EEO/AA provisions and were published or distributed as indicated in the search plan. If not, please explain below:  FORMCHECKBOX  Search and recruitment efforts to ensure a broad and inclusive pool of candidates were taken as indicated in the search plan. If not, please explain below:  FORMCHECKBOX  Applicants were screened based on the job-related criteria outlined at the commencement of the search.  FORMCHECKBOX  Applicants selected for interviews were asked similar job-related questions and given the same opportunity to speak substantively about their qualifications for the position during the interview process to ensure consistent evaluation of candidates qualifications.  FORMCHECKBOX  Potentially discriminatory lines of questioning, such as those related to a candidate's age, nationality, race, ethnicity, color, gender (including pregnancy), gender identity, gender expression, religion, disability status, veteran status, or sexual orientation, were avoided during the interview process.  FORMCHECKBOX  The ADA Coordinator was contacted for guidance with regard to any applicants who requested disability accommodations during the selection process, if applicable. Selection Pool Please list all finalists in the applicant pool, including the proposed candidate for this position: Name (Proposed Final Candidate) Please describe the reasons why the proposed final candidate was selected for hire and how that individual is better qualified for the position based on the job-related criteria outlined at the commencement of the search (Note: you may simply cut and paste this information from the letter to your Dean requesting to hire a particular candidate) :  For each finalist not selected for hire, please select all codes from the list below that explain why those finalists were not selected. For any candidate in the finalist pool who withdrew, declined to be considered, or declined an offer, please select all codes from the list below that explain why those candidates choose to withdraw from the process: NameOffer Made (Y/N)Reason Code(s) (See Below) Reason Codes explaining why no offer was made: Less experience in [specific area] Lower quality publication record Less successful job talk/interview Less promise as a teacher Field specialization doesnt meet departmental needs Less potential for independent funding Other (please specify further) Reason Codes explaining why offer was declined: Retained at home institution Accepted a position at another institution Accepted a position in private industry Location Housing Salary Childcare & Schools Spousal/Domestic Partner Other (please specify further) Specify other reasons: Records Retention  FORMCHECKBOX  Arrangements have been made to ensure that the search committee records for this search will be maintained in a confidential manner for a minimum of 3 years. The records will be stored in the following location:  SUBMITTED BY: __________________________________________________ _________________ Search/Department Chair Date APPROVED BY: __________________________________________________ _________________ Dean Date RECEIVED OFFICE OF FACULTY AFFAIRS _______________________________ ________________ Date FORWARDED TO THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER____________________ _________________ Date FORWARDED TO ODECE ___________________________________________ _________________ Date REVIEWED BY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER __________________________ _________________ Date RECEIVED BY ODECE _______________________________________________ _________________ Date  CDe       ( ) D E V W v w c d e f g h i j ׽׽|o|jhd=<U^J hd=<^Jjhd=<U^JhY35>*\^JhY3CJ^JaJ hcVhY3hcVhY3^Jh*\]^Jhh*56>*\]^Jh>56>*\]^JhY356>*\]^JhY36]^J hY3^JhY35CJ\^JaJ+CDe     eikd$$Ifl0 (  44 lalpd$1$7$8$H$If$d1$7$8$H$a$$d1$7$8$H$a$    ' ( ikd$$Ifl0 (  44 lalpd$1$7$8$H$If( ) C D d$1$7$8$H$Ifikd$$Ifl0 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