- Five of the winning teams include students or faculty from the Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering. LVC grants are funded by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade Advanced Industries Program, as well as Venture Partners at CU Boulder and the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund.
- CU Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science held steady as a top 20 undergraduate engineering program in U.S.
- Bruns started a company with tattoo-artist-to-the-stars Keith “Bang Bang” McCurdy, along with a former doctoral student. Early next year, they plan to release their first product, Magic Ink, to a group of handpicked artists.
- Embark aims to connect business minds outside the university with breakthrough inventions emerging from CU Boulder’s research labs to bring them to market and unleash the full impact of CU Boulder’s research into the world.
- Point Designs, a revolutionary company, is using cutting-edge technology to help the healthcare industry by providing finger prosthetics.
- Researchers believe the next generation of tattoos will be about more than just markings – by helping keep tabs on our health.
- A team of engineers from CU Boulder have created a one-of-a-kind, shape-shifting display made from a 10-by-10 grid of soft robotic “muscles.”
- Research Professor Svenja Knappe is at the center of a growing cluster of quantum researchers who are ushering in the second quantum revolution on campus and abroad.
- At Q-SEnSE, an NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute led by CU Boulder, multidisciplinary teams investigate promising solutions to formidable quantum challenges. In this recently released video, watch Q-SEnSE leaders, faculty and students discuss just a few of their recent projects.
- An exceptionally versatile and promising NIST technology now available for patent licensing or a CRADA is the "Atomic Magnetometer and method of sensing of magnetic fields."