
  • Professor of Distinction

Office:ÌýDUAN F321

Research Interests:

Experimental Particle Physics, Charm Physics, Beyond the Standard Model Physics, LHC, particle detector technology and instrumentation

I have broad interests in particle physics. I am presently involved in the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider studying the possibility of observing Zprime decays to tau tau. In addition I am involved in generic research involving the use of diamonds as a particle sensor in future experiments in the RD42 Collaboration at CERN and in a CMS pixel upgrade proposal using the Fermilab test beams.

Selected Publications:

  1. CMS technical design report, volume II: Physics performance. By CMS Collaboration (G.L. Bayatian et al.) 2007. 585pp. published in J.Phys.G34:995-1579,2007. (First major report by the CMS collaboration.)
  2. Measurements of the q2 dependence of the D0 --> K mu nu and D0 --> pi mu nu form factors. By FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link et al.) Phys.Lett.B607:233-242,2005. (Semileptonic paper which compared form factors for the Cabibbo favored and Cabibbo suppressed charm decays of the D0.)
  3. Measurement of masses and widths of excited charm mesons D(2)* and evidence for broad states. By FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link et al.) Published in Phys.Lett.B586:11- 20,2004. (Work done in FOCUS at Colorado, provided evidence for the broad, L=2 Charm Meson states.)
  4. Charm system tests of CPT and Lorentz invariance with FOCUS. J.M. Link et al. FERMILAB-PUB-02-194-E, Aug 2002. 5pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B556:7-13,2003. (First test of CPT and Lorenz invariance in the Charm Sector.)