- Several physics faculty including Scott Diddams (Principal Investigator), Cindy Regal, and Juliet Gopinath, will lead the creation of the new National Quantum Nanofab facility at CU Boulder, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
- The Quantum Scholars program has garnered support from several new sponsors, leading to an increase in the number of fellowships available for students this fall.
- Physics graduate student Yunzhe “Oliver” Shao received the Best Paper Award at this year's IEEE Conference on Computational Imaging Using Synthetic Apertures.
- Adam Kaufman, associate professor adjoint of physics and JILA/NIST fellow, has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- CU Boulder alum John "Ben" Mates' (PhDPhys'11) dissertation is now a hot topic and "required reading for many scientists interested in multiplexing." Mates completed his PhD while conducting research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) through CU's Professional Research Experience Program (CU PREP).
- Blair Seidlitz, who earned his PhD in physics in 2022 from the Ƶ18, has won the American Physical Society (APS) Dissertation Award in Hadronic Physics for his dissertation, the society announced.
- The Physics Main Office (DUAN E1B32) and CU PREP Office (DUAN D1B37) are undergoing major renovations starting May 27, 2024. Here's where you can find staff from the affected offices.
- Engineering physics major Katie Wootten was named a Stephen Halley White Undergraduate Research Award recipient this semester, in recognition of her outstanding research project. The award is the highest honor for
- Physics major Shivank Chadda’s outstanding research project has earned him a Spring 2024 Stephen Halley White Undergraduate Research Award, the highest honor for undergraduates in physics.Established in 2013 by alumnus Stephen
- Each year, the Department of Physics honors outstanding students, staff, and faculty at the Spring Recognition Ceremony in recognition of their exceptional research, teaching, or service to the department. Learn more about this year’s recipients